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The Gravel Trail

A gravel cycling route starting from Cirey-sur-Vezouze

Explore the rugged terrain through picturesque landscapes


For those seeking an adventurous and off-road experience, the Gravel Trail route near Cirey-sur-Vezouze is the perfect choice. With a total ascent of 1230m and a distance of 79km, this gravel route offers a mix of challenging climbs and scenic trails. Highlights along the route include the historic village of Niderviller, the stunning Col du Hohwalsch, and the mystical La Roche des Fées. This route is rated with a difficulty of 3 and an epicness of 3.

79 km
1230 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Cirey-sur-Vezouze Village center
Cirey-sur-Vezouze: Tranquil rides through natural landscapes with access to famous climbs in the Vosges Mountains.
Cirey-sur-Vezouze is a small town located in the Lorraine region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, Cirey-sur-Vezouze offers scenic routes suitable for road and gravel biking. The town is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, characterized by forests and rolling hills. Cyclists can ride through these picturesque areas, enjoying the tranquility and serenity of the countryside. Additionally, Cirey-sur-Vezouze is in proximity to the Vosges Mountains, well-known for their challenging climbs and stunning scenery. Cyclists can explore the famous cols in the region, experiencing the thrill of conquering steep ascents. With its scenic routes and access to legendary climbs, Cirey-sur-Vezouze is an excellent destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Cirey-sur-Vezouze marks both the start and end point of the route and offers a charming village atmosphere with a touch of cycling history at km 0.
Niderviller is a picturesque village known for its historic architecture and beautiful surroundings at 24km into the ride.
Haselbourg offers towering cliffs and stunning views of the Vosges mountains at 39km into the ride.
Col du Hohwalsch488 mMountain Pass
Col du Hohwalsch is a challenging climb with breathtaking views of the countryside at 48km into the ride.
Rocher du Diable430 mPeak Viewpoint
Rocher du Diable is a majestic rock formation with an intriguing legend at 55km into the ride.
Saint-Quirin is a charming village with well-preserved half-timbered houses and a tranquil atmosphere at 64km into the ride.
Château de TurquesteinCastle
Château de Turquestein offers a glimpse into Lorraine's medieval history and a chance to admire its architectural beauty at 71km into the ride.
La Roche des Fées468 mPeak Viewpoint
La Roche des Fées is a fascinating rock formation surrounded by lush greenery and a peaceful ambiance at 71km into the ride.
Finish: Cirey-sur-Vezouze Village center
Cirey-sur-Vezouze: Tranquil rides through natural landscapes with access to famous climbs in the Vosges Mountains.

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