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Discover Walsch's Plains

A gravel cycling route starting from Walscheid

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure through the captivating Walsch's plains near Walscheid.


This gravel route showcases the natural beauty and rich heritage of the Walsch region. Riders will pedal through picturesque plains, verdant forests, and enchanting villages, immersing themselves in the idyllic charm of the French countryside.

61 km
929 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Walscheid Village center
Walscheid: Embark on a cycling adventure in the picturesque landscapes surrounding Walscheid.
Walscheid in the Lorraine region of France is a charming locality with a lot to offer road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by gentle rolling hills and scenic countryside, providing the perfect backdrop for cycling adventures. One notable cycling-related spot is the Col de Saales, a well-known climb just a short distance from Walscheid. With its delightful atmosphere and stunning landscapes, Walscheid offers a memorable cycling experience for riders of all levels.
Discover the stunning Plaine-de-Walsch, an expansive plain surrounded by verdant forests, offering serene and captivating landscapes.
Bickenholtz, a peaceful hamlet nestled amidst nature, boasts a tranquil atmosphere, perfect for a peaceful break during the cycling journey.
Explore Vilsberg, a picturesque village renowned for its historic castle and breathtaking views from its hilltop perch.
Immerse yourself in the medieval charm of Lutzelbourg, a captivating village showcasing its architectural heritage and scenic position along the canal.
Rocher du CorbeauViewpoint
Climb up to the magnificent Rocher du Corbeau and marvel at the panoramic views over the surrounding countryside, rewards that await after an exhilarating ascent.
Harreberg, a village tucked away amidst rolling hills and verdant landscapes, offers a tranquil and immersive experience in the heart of nature.
Finish: Walscheid Village center
Walscheid: Embark on a cycling adventure in the picturesque landscapes surrounding Walscheid.

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