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Leury Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Bucy-le-Long

Discover the enchanting town of Leury on this scenic gravel route


This gravel route takes you on a 72 km adventure through picturesque Picardie. With a moderate ascent of 716 m, you'll get to enjoy the beautiful countryside while discovering interesting highlights along the way. The Leury Loop is suitable for well-trained amateurs seeking a challenge with a touch of rustic charm.

72 km
716 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bucy-le-Long Village center
Bucy-le-Long: Experience the joy of cycling through rural landscapes and conquer the Chemin des Dames climb in Bucy-le-Long.
Bucy-le-Long is a locality in Picardie, France. As a cyclist, you'll appreciate the scenic routes and rural landscapes available in this area. The roads are generally in good condition, making it suitable for road cycling. Bucy-le-Long is located near the Chemin des Dames ridge, offering a challenging climb for riders who enjoy testing their skills. Overall, Bucy-le-Long provides a pleasant cycling experience with its beautiful surroundings and varied terrain.
Leury, a small traditional French village, offers a glimpse into the local heritage with charming stone houses and a peaceful atmosphere.
Cross the Pont-Saint-Mard, a historic bridge that spans the Aisne River and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Amigny-Rouy is home to an ancient church, adorned with intricate stained glass windows and impressive architecture.
Servais is known for its tranquil lake surrounded by lush greenery, a perfect spot for a peaceful break during your ride.
Explore the medieval charm of Anizy-le-Château, with its cobblestone streets, imposing castle ruins, and a beautiful church.
Allemant boasts a rich history, as evidenced by its old windmill and well-preserved historic buildings.
Finish: Bucy-le-Long Village center
Bucy-le-Long: Experience the joy of cycling through rural landscapes and conquer the Chemin des Dames climb in Bucy-le-Long.

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