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Scenic Gravel Tour through Charming Villages and Countryside

A gravel cycling route starting from Marennes

Immerse yourself in the beauty of rural France as you cycle through charming villages and scenic countryside


This scenic gravel cycling tour showcases the idyllic beauty of rural France, with its charming villages, rolling hills, and picturesque landscapes. With a moderate difficulty level, it is ideal for gravel enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in the tranquil countryside. The epicness of this route lies in the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of the region and enjoy the peacefulness of the rural landscapes.

64 km
99 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Marennes Village center
Marennes: A coastal town with access to scenic cycling routes and beautiful ocean views.
Marennes is a charming town located in the Poitou-Charentes region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, Marennes offers a mix of road and gravel cycling opportunities. The town is situated near the coast, providing scenic views of the Atlantic Ocean and access to coastal cycling routes. The nearby Île d'Oléron is a popular destination for cyclists, with its flat terrain and picturesque coastal roads. Marennes itself has some local cycling routes that take you through scenic countryside and quaint villages. Overall, Marennes offers a pleasant cycling experience with its coastal views and accessible routes. The locality has a rank of 3 for cyclist perspective.
Bellevue: Marvel at the panoramic views of the sprawling countryside from this scenic viewpoint.
Saint-Sulpice-d'Arnoult: Cycle through this picturesque village and admire its charming traditional houses and flower-filled streets.
Nancras: Take a moment to appreciate the serene countryside and quaint farmland surrounding this peaceful village.
Thoriat: Explore this small hamlet nestled among rolling hills and enjoy the serenity of the rural surroundings.
Moulin à marée des logesAttraction
Moulin à marée des loges: Visit this historic tidal mill and learn about its fascinating role in the region's past.
Finish: Marennes Village center
Marennes: A coastal town with access to scenic cycling routes and beautiful ocean views.

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