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Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Marennes

Embark on an exhilarating gravel adventure through the rugged landscapes of Marennes.


This challenging gravel cycling route covers 32 kilometers with an ascent of 35 meters, providing a thrilling adventure for gravel cycling enthusiasts. Highlights along the route include Brouage, a fortified medieval town renowned for its historical importance. Moëze offers wildlife enthusiasts a chance to observe various bird species in their natural habitats. Conclude your journey in Marennes, where you can relax and reflect on your gravel adventure through the rugged beauty of this region.

32 km
35 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Marennes Village center
Marennes: A coastal town with access to scenic cycling routes and beautiful ocean views.
Marennes is a charming town located in the Poitou-Charentes region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, Marennes offers a mix of road and gravel cycling opportunities. The town is situated near the coast, providing scenic views of the Atlantic Ocean and access to coastal cycling routes. The nearby Île d'Oléron is a popular destination for cyclists, with its flat terrain and picturesque coastal roads. Marennes itself has some local cycling routes that take you through scenic countryside and quaint villages. Overall, Marennes offers a pleasant cycling experience with its coastal views and accessible routes. The locality has a rank of 3 for cyclist perspective.
Brouage, a fortified medieval town, was once a bustling trading port that played a significant role in French history. Explore its well-preserved ramparts and immerse yourself in the town's rich past.
Moëze is a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts, offering diverse habitats and an array of avian species. Spend time observing the graceful movements of various birds as you cycle through the area.
Marennes, hosting the start and end of your gravel adventure, is infused with a vibrant oyster culture. Savor the region's renowned oysters and explore the local gastronomy scene before bidding farewell to this rugged cycling paradise.
Finish: Marennes Village center
Marennes: A coastal town with access to scenic cycling routes and beautiful ocean views.

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