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Var Countryside Gravel Spin

A gravel cycling route starting from Rocbaron

Experience the charm of Var's countryside on gravel roads


Take a journey through the idyllic countryside of Var on this gravel cycling route starting from Rocbaron. Covering a total distance of 62 kilometers and an ascent of 1063 meters, this route offers a mix of challenging climbs and scenic sections that will leave you in awe of Var's natural beauty. With picturesque villages, stunning viewpoints, and tranquil spots along the way, this route is perfect for cyclists seeking both adventure and serenity.

62 km
1063 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Rocbaron Village center
Rocbaron: Leisurely cycling through the idyllic countryside of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Rocbaron is a locality in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France. While it may not be a prominent cycling destination, Rocbaron offers pleasant cycling routes for road and gravel cyclists. The area features quiet rural roads and beautiful landscapes, creating an enjoyable cycling experience. Although there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, Rocbaron allows cyclists to explore the idyllic countryside of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur while enjoying their favorite cycling activities.
Peynier478 mPeak
Discover the peaceful town of Peynier and its charming atmosphere, located 7 kilometers into the route.
Pass through the scenic village of Néoules and admire its picturesque streets and architecture.
Le Mourre d'Agnis919 mPeak
Marvel at the impressive landscapes of Le Mourre d'Agnis, a highlight situated 25 kilometers into the route.
Explore the stunning natural surroundings of Mazaugues, a small village known for its tranquil ambiance.
Tête du Baou557 mPeak
Reach the summit of Tête du Baou and be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views over Var's countryside.
La RoquebrussanneVillage
Pass through La Roquebrussanne, a charming village with medieval roots.
Fray Long409 mPeak
Rest and recharge at Fray Long, a peaceful spot nestled amidst nature's beauty.
Finish: Rocbaron Village center
Rocbaron: Leisurely cycling through the idyllic countryside of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

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