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Legendary climbs and stunning mountain views in Rhône-Alpes, France.

Cycling routes from Charly

Charly is a village located in the region of Rhône-Alpes, France. As a road and gravel cyclist, Charly offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and challenging climbs to conquer. One of the well-known cycling spots nearby is Mont Ventoux, which is famous for its tough ascent and is often included in professional races. With its stunning scenery and legendary climbs, Charly is a must-visit destination for any cyclist seeking a thrilling and rewarding cycling experience.

Embark on a challenging road trip through Valencin and La Chapelle-de-Surieu

129 km
1664 m

This epic 129 km road route starting near Charly takes you through challenging climbs and beautiful countryside. With a demanding ascent of 1664 meters, it is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking an unforgettable challenge.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the scenic landscapes of Caluire-et-Cuire

57 km
581 m

This 57 km gravel route starting near Charly takes you through the picturesque landscapes of Caluire-et-Cuire. With a moderate ascent of 581 meters, the route offers a mix of off-road trails and scenic country roads. It is suitable for experienced gravel cyclists looking for a challenging and adventurous ride.

Explore the charming town of Chassagny and enjoy scenic views along the route

70 km
1176 m

Embark on a delightful cycling adventure through picturesque landscapes and charming towns in the Rhône-Alpes region of France. The Chassagny Cycling Loop offers an exhilarating experience with its challenging ascent and captivating highlights along the way. Whether you're a road or gravel bike enthusiast, this route has something for everyone.

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure and discover the hidden gems of Lyon

73 km
546 m

Immerse yourself in the vibrant city of Lyon and embark on an adventurous gravel ride through its outskirts. The Lyon Gravel Adventure offers a unique blend of urban exploration and scenic countryside vistas. Prepare to be captivated by the diversity of landscapes and the charming highlights dotted along the route. Whether you're an experienced gravel cyclist or a new enthusiast, this route promises a memorable journey.

Unveil the hidden gems of Charly and surrounding areas on this gravel adventure

66 km
345 m

Prepare for a thrilling gravel adventure as you explore the hidden gems of Charly and its neighboring towns. The Hidden Gems of Charly route showcases the beauty of the region's rural landscapes, while also uncovering unique underground vistas and enchanting villages. This scenic journey is sure to leave you with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for the natural wonders of the Rhône-Alpes.

Embark on an adventurous cycling journey through picturesque landscapes to reach Vourles.

86 km
1527 m

Prepare for an unforgettable cycling adventure on the Thrilling Trail to Vourles. This challenging road cycling route features an elevation gain of 1527 meters and covers a distance of 86 kilometers. Ride through the scenic countryside, as you pass through Saint-Laurent-d'Agny, Crêt du Bouchat, Thurins, Marmottes, Sourcieux-les-Mines, Chaponost, and Vourles. With stunning landscapes and hidden gems along the way, this route promises an epic journey for cycling enthusiasts.

Explore the scenic countryside on this road ride near Charly

44 km
502 m

This 44 km road route starting near Charly takes you through the scenic countryside, offering picturesque views and charming villages along the way. With a moderate ascent of 502 meters, it is suitable for intermediate-level cyclists looking for a pleasant day ride.

Embark on a captivating journey through the scenic Rhône Valley.

93 km
1445 m

Discover the beauty of the Rhône Valley on this enchanting cycling route. With an elevation gain of 1445 meters and a distance of 93 kilometers, this road cycling route offers a moderate challenge for experienced riders. Start your journey in Charly and explore Loire-sur-Rhône, Les Roches-de-Condrieu, Pélussin, Croix-de-Montvieux, Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez, and Châteauneuf. Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes, from vineyards to rolling hills, as you pedal along the Rhône river. This route promises a truly mesmerizing experience that will leave a lasting impression.

Experience the beauty of the Rhône-Alpes region from Givors to Saint-Jean-de-Touslas

62 km
1045 m

This 62 km road route starting in Givors and ending in Saint-Jean-de-Touslas offers stunning views of the Rhône-Alpes region. With a challenging ascent of 1045 meters, it is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a rewarding ride.

Embark on an epic gravel journey through the stunning Rhône Valley

73 km
1348 m

Embark on an epic gravel journey through the magnificent Rhône Valley and be prepared to be awestruck by its natural wonders. The Rhône Valley Gravel Epic showcases the diverse beauty of the region, from dramatic hillsides to charming towns and picturesque vineyards. This challenging route is a test of endurance and skill, but the breathtaking highlights along the way make it all worthwhile. Experience the thrill of conquering legendary climbs and soak in the unparalleled scenery of the Rhône-Alpes.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Vernaison

Diverse cycling routes and proximity to Lyon

Image of Vourles

Picturesque landscapes and scenic cycling routes.

Image of Millery

Pedal through scenic vineyards and charming villages in Millery, France.

Image of Sérézin-du-Rhône

Cycling through the scenic landscapes of Sérézin-du-Rhône, Rhône-Alpes

Image of Irigny

Cycling and outdoor adventure in the Rhône-Alpes region

Image of Solaize

Scenic cycling routes near the Rhône River and vibrant Lyon city nearby.

Image of Brignais

Scenic cycling routes and challenging climbs near Mont Brouilly.

Image of Montagny

Challenges and Beauty Await in Montagny and Mont Pilat

Image of Grigny

Discover vineyards and medieval villages on cycling routes in Grigny.

Nearby regions:

Image of Région lémanique
Région lémanique

Paradise for cyclists with stunning views of Lake Geneva and a dense network of cycling routes.

Image of Espace Mittelland
Espace Mittelland

Embark on an alpine adventure in Espace Mittelland, Switzerland.

Image of Bourgogne

Indulging in scenic rides through vineyards and feasting on gourmet cuisine in Bourgogne, France.

Image of Franche-Comté

Experience diverse landscapes and legendary climbs in Franche-Comté.

Image of Languedoc-Roussillon

Indulge in the Mediterranean allure and challenging climbs of Languedoc-Roussillon.

Image of Auvergne

Mountainous terrain and volcanic peaks

Image of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Breathtaking landscapes and iconic climbs.

Image of Piemonte

Conquering the iconic climbs and savoring the local cuisine of Piemonte.

Image of Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste
Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste

Conquering the mythical climbs of Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste on two wheels
