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Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Neukoelln

Explore Berlin's gravel trails and hidden gems


Get ready for an adventure on this 69-kilometer gravel cycling route near Neukölln. Experience the thrill of riding off-road and discovering hidden gems along the way. With a total ascent of 151 meters, it is suitable for cyclists of all skill levels. Highlights along the route include Die Pyramide, a mysterious structure in the middle of the forest, the beautiful gardens of Gärten der Welt, and Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf, a picturesque town surrounded by nature. Don't miss the Bülowkanal-Portal, which offers a unique view of an ancient canal, and Köpenick, a historic district in Berlin known for its charming architecture. The route ends at Seelenparadies, a tranquil natural area perfect for relaxation.

69 km
151 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Neukölln: Cycling paradise in Berlin
Neukölln is located in Berlin, Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, the locality offers a variety of cycling routes suitable for road and gravel cycling. There are well-maintained roads and off-road paths that provide opportunities for both leisurely rides and challenging workouts. Neukölln is known for its vibrant cultural scene and diverse food options, making it an attractive destination for tourists. Nearby famous cycling spots include Tempelhofer Feld, a former airport turned public park, which offers a large open space for cycling and various recreational activities. Overall, Neukölln is a fantastic place for cyclists to explore and enjoy.
Die PyramideAttraction
Die Pyramide is a fascinating structure in the forest with a mysterious origin.
Gärten der WeltViewpoint
Gärten der Welt is a paradise for garden lovers, offering a wide variety of stunning landscapes.
Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf is a hidden gem surrounded by lush greenery.
Bülowkanal-Portal offers a unique view of an ancient canal that played a vital role in Berlin's history.
Köpenick is a historically significant district known for its charming architecture.
Seelenparadies is a peaceful natural area perfect for relaxation and contemplation.
Finish: Locality center
Neukölln: Cycling paradise in Berlin

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