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The Ultimate Road Cycling Challenge

A road cycling route starting from Bernsbach

Embark on a 127-kilometer road cycling adventure through challenging terrain and stunning landscapes.


This road cycling route near Bernsbach is not for the faint-hearted. With a total ascent of 2407 meters and a distance of 127 kilometers, this challenging route is perfect for experienced and well-trained cyclists who are looking for an epic adventure. The route takes you through diverse landscapes, including the enchanting Spiegelwald forest and the vibrant town of Zwönitz. Highlights along the way include the historical town of Eppendorf and the breathtaking views from the iconic Brandhübel lookout. Get ready for a thrilling and unforgettable ride that will push your cycling skills to the limit.

127 km
2407 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bernsbach Village center
Bernsbach: Discover the scenic beauty and varied terrain of Bernsbach
Bernsbach in Chemnitz, Germany is a pleasant locality for road and gravel cyclists. The region offers a mix of challenging terrain and scenic landscapes, making it an ideal destination for cyclists seeking variety. One of the notable cycling spots nearby is the Auersberg-Kreuzung climb, known for its stunning views at the summit. With its diverse routes and natural beauty, Bernsbach offers a rewarding cycling experience for riders of different skill levels.
Spiegelwald727 mPeak
Spiegelwald is a beautiful forest known for its serene atmosphere and picturesque trails.
Zwönitz is a historic town with charming architecture and a vibrant cultural scene.
Huthübel587 mPeak
Huthübel is a scenic spot with panoramic views of the surrounding hills and forests.
Burkhardtsdorf is a small town with a rich mining history and traditional crafts.
Hungersberg441 mPeak
Hungersberg is an impressive mountain peak offering stunning views of the entire region.
Hennersdorf is a picturesque village with traditional half-timbered houses and a charming atmosphere.
Olymp is a mountain peak that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, especially at sunrise or sunset.
Eppendorf is a historically significant town with well-preserved medieval buildings and a rich cultural heritage.
Brandhübel610 mPeak
Brandhübel is a popular lookout point that offers panoramic views of the entire region, including the nearby Erzgebirge mountains.
Marienberg is a picturesque town known for its charming Old Town and impressive castle ruins.
Mildenau is a small village with a peaceful and idyllic atmosphere, surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests.
Hermannshöhe702 mPeak
Hermannshöhe is a scenic viewpoint that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
Scheibenberg807 mPeak
Scheibenberg is a charming town with a rich mining history and a beautiful Old Town.
Markersbach is a small village nestled in the hills, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
Galgenberg/ Blick auf SonnenleitheViewpoint
Galgenberg provides a picturesque vantage point with panoramic views of the Sonnenleithe area.
Grünhain-Beierfeld is a charming town known for its traditional crafts and historic architecture.
Finish: Bernsbach Village center
Bernsbach: Discover the scenic beauty and varied terrain of Bernsbach

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