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Exploring Hidden Gravel Paths

A gravel cycling route starting from Bockau

Uncover the region's best-kept secrets as you navigate through remote gravel paths on this scenic and challenging cycling route.


Embark on a gravel cycling expedition that will take you off the beaten path and unveil the hidden treasures of Chemnitz's enchanting countryside. This route, designed for experienced gravel riders, promises an abundance of awe-inspiring natural sceneries and cultural highlights. Pedal through the mysterious Spiegelwald, admire the charming architecture of Grünhain-Beierfeld, and venture into the historic town of Scheibenberg. Delight in the serenity of Crottendorf and experience the captivating charm of Tellerhäuser. Revel in the idyllic beauty of Antonsthal and conclude your journey in Morgenleithe, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of the Morgenleithe Forest.

69 km
1789 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bockau Village center
Bockau: Tranquil landscapes and renowned cycling routes near the Ore Mountains.
Bockau is a locality located in Chemnitz, Germany. Cyclists visiting Bockau can enjoy picturesque rides through the Ore Mountains, exploring serene forests, and charming villages. The area offers a mix of moderate ascents and descents, making it suitable for cyclists seeking a balanced riding experience. Bockau is close to the famous Fichtelberg climb, a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts. With its tranquil landscapes and renowned cycling routes, Bockau is a great option for cyclists looking for an adventure off the beaten path.
Spiegelwald727 mPeak
Spiegelwald, a mythical forest shrouded in mystery, captivates with its tranquility and picturesque paths. Immerse yourself in its eerie beauty as you pedal through its shadowy embrace.
Grünhain-Beierfeld fascinates visitors with its exceptional architectural heritage. Admire the intricate filigree handicrafts for which the region is known and discover the enchanting stories behind them.
Scheibenberg807 mPeak
Scheibenberg boasts a long and fascinating history that can still be witnessed within its charming streets. Ride through time as you admire its traditional architecture and appreciate its cultural significance.
Crottendorf invites you to experience its inviting ambiance and explores its rich natural landscapes. Journey through its alluring countryside as you immerse yourself in serenity.
Hubertky1032 mPeak
Hubertky rewards with splendid views over the rolling hills surrounding Bockau. Take a moment to appreciate the sweeping panoramas and capture memorable photographs.
Tellerhäuser is a hidden gem nestled amidst the idyllic countryside. Delight in its tranquil beauty and uncover the sense of peace one can only find in pristine natural surroundings.
Antonsthal showcases the harmony between man and nature, with charming timbered houses harmoniously integrated into the mountain landscape. Cycle through its streets and experience a serene picturesque environment.
Morgenleithe811 mPeak
Morgenleithe lures cyclists with its refreshing forest roads and enchanting woodland beauty. Absorb the sounds of nature as you navigate through this breathtaking landscape.
Finish: Bockau Village center
Bockau: Tranquil landscapes and renowned cycling routes near the Ore Mountains.

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