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Mountainous Road Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Bockau

Experience the thrill of conquering challenging mountain roads on this epic cycling adventure in the vicinity of Bockau.


Embark on an awe-inspiring road cycling adventure that takes you through picturesque mountainous terrains surrounding Bockau. This route is designed for experienced road cyclists seeking a true test of their endurance. The stunning landscapes of Schneeberg, Keilberg, and Ochsenkopf await to captivate your senses. Immerse yourself in the cultural riches of Wildenfels and Gersdorf. Embrace the tranquility of Zwönitz and revel in the natural beauty of the Spiegelwald region. Conclude your exhilarating journey in Bockau, where you can celebrate your triumph and reflect on the challenges conquered.

79 km
1494 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bockau Village center
Bockau: Tranquil landscapes and renowned cycling routes near the Ore Mountains.
Bockau is a locality located in Chemnitz, Germany. Cyclists visiting Bockau can enjoy picturesque rides through the Ore Mountains, exploring serene forests, and charming villages. The area offers a mix of moderate ascents and descents, making it suitable for cyclists seeking a balanced riding experience. Bockau is close to the famous Fichtelberg climb, a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts. With its tranquil landscapes and renowned cycling routes, Bockau is a great option for cyclists looking for an adventure off the beaten path.
Schneeberg is a legendary mountain known for its challenging ascent that demands strength, determination, and perseverance. Reach its summit and become part of the elite few who have triumphed over its slopes.
Keilberg558 mPeak
Keilberg hides in the picturesque wilderness of the region, offering a thrilling climb with rewarding views at its peak. Push your limits and soak in the breathtaking vistas from the summit.
Ochsenkopf429 mPeak
Ochsenkopf stands tall as one of the prominent mountain peaks in the region, beckoning daring cyclists to conquer its winding roads. Brace yourself for a challenging ascent and feast your eyes on magnificent panoramas.
Wildenfels is a cultural gem nestled in the mountains. Delve into its past as you wander through the enchanting streets and soak in the rich historical ambience.
Gersdorf invites you to discover its rural charm and immerse yourself in the peaceful surroundings as you cycle through its idyllic countryside.
Wischberg516 mPeak
Wischberg is a hidden gem nestled amidst majestic mountain landscapes. Pedal along its winding roads and uncover the surprising tranquility it offers.
Zwönitz delights visitors with its historical architecture and hidden cultural treasures. Explore its narrow streets and marvel at the fusion of urban and rural elements.
Spiegelwald727 mPeak
Spiegelwald enchants with its leafy canopies and tranquil atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the serenity of nature as you traverse its refreshing paths.
Bockau marks the beginning and end of this mountainous road adventure. Take a moment to celebrate your journey's end and revel in the warm hospitality offered by this idyllic village.
Finish: Bockau Village center
Bockau: Tranquil landscapes and renowned cycling routes near the Ore Mountains.

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