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Zschopau Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Zschopau

Embark on an exhilarating gravel adventure near Zschopau.


Get ready for an exhilarating Gravel Adventure near Zschopau. This 28-kilometer route promises a thrilling off-road experience through rugged landscapes and scenic countryside. Discover the unique rock formations of the Pilzhübel area, explore the historic village of Neunzehnhain, and marvel at the architectural beauty of Borstendorf. With a difficulty rating of 2 and an epicness score of 2, this shorter route offers a quick but exciting cycling getaway.

28 km
735 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Zschopau City center
Zschopau: Exploring challenging climbs and cycling heritage in Zschopau.
Zschopau is a town located in the Chemnitz region of Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers a mix of urban and rural routes with challenging climbs and beautiful landscapes. The area is renowned for its steel industry and has a rich cycling history, hosting the legendary Erzgebirgsrundfahrt race. The Ore Mountains, located nearby, offer scenic climbs and great opportunities for gravel cycling. Overall, Zschopau is a great choice for cyclists looking for challenging rides and a glimpse into Germany's cycling heritage.
Pilzhübel598 mPeak
Visit the Pilzhübel area and witness its mesmerizing rock formations and scenic beauty up close.
Explore the historic village of Neunzehnhain and learn about its rich cultural heritage.
Discover the charming village of Borstendorf and admire its beautifully preserved historic buildings.
Scheffelsberg500 mPeak
Cycle through the picturesque Scheffelsberg area and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.
Dicker HeinrichViewpoint
Marvel at the massive rock formation known as Dicker Heinrich and appreciate its geological significance.
Schloss WildeckCastle
Visit the scenic Schloss Wildeck and explore its architectural beauty and surrounding grounds.
Finish: Zschopau City center
Zschopau: Exploring challenging climbs and cycling heritage in Zschopau.

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