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Dippoldiswalde Gravel Experience

A gravel cycling route starting from Dippoldiswalde

Explore the rugged beauty of the Dippoldiswalde region on this exhilarating gravel route.


Embark on a thrilling cycling adventure through Dippoldiswalde and its surroundings, where you will encounter stunning landscapes and unique cultural highlights. The gravel paths will lead you on a journey from charming villages to abandoned castles, showcasing the diverse heritage of the area. Along the way, expect challenging terrain and rewarding panoramic views that will leave you in awe.

64 km
1372 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Dippoldiswalde City center
Dippoldiswalde: Experience Cycling Bliss in Dippoldiswalde: Scenic Routes Awaits!
Dippoldiswalde, located in Dresden, Germany, offers a diverse cycling experience suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The locality has various cycling routes that pass through picturesque landscapes and charming countryside villages. While not specifically renowned for its famous climbs, Dippoldiswalde provides cyclists with enjoyable ascents and descents. The region also offers cycling events and races for those seeking a competitive experience. Additionally, cyclists exploring this area will appreciate the well-maintained roads and cycling-friendly amenities available.
Make a stop in Obercarsdorf, a picturesque village known for its half-timbered houses and scenic overlooks. Learn about its history as a trade center and take in the breathtaking views of the Elbe Valley.
Hoher Brand670 mPeak
Reach the summit of Hoher Brand and witness a panoramic vista of the surrounding Saxony Switzerland National Park. This challenging climb will reward you with sweeping views of rocky landscapes and verdant forests.
Stephanshöhe803 mPeak
Ascend to the Stephanshöhe viewpoint, where you can marvel at the vast expanse of the Ore Mountains. Catch your breath while admiring the stunning countryside that stretches as far as the eye can see.
Discover Neuhermsdorf, a small village famous for its traditional wooden toy manufacturing. Get a glimpse into the craftsmanship and artistic skills of the locals as you explore the quaint streets.
Burgruine RechenbergCastle
Explore the fascinating ruins of Burgruine Rechenberg, a medieval castle nestled on a rocky hilltop. Learn about the castle's history and soak in the mystical atmosphere created by its crumbling walls.
Röthenhübel670 mPeak
Ride through Röthenhübel, a charming spa town renowned for its healing mineral springs. Take a moment to relax and rejuvenate in this idyllic setting surrounded by lush greenery.
Pass through Röthenbach, a small village characterized by its traditional Saxon architecture. Admire the quaint cottages adorned with colorful flower gardens, adding to the picturesque charm of the area.
Lämmerberg475 mPeak
Conquer Lämmerberg, a challenging climb that rewards you with sweeping views of the regional landscape. Pedal your way up to the summit and relish in the sense of accomplishment.
Finish: Dippoldiswalde City center
Dippoldiswalde: Experience Cycling Bliss in Dippoldiswalde: Scenic Routes Awaits!

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