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Romantic Road Loop near Dippoldiswalde

A road cycling route starting from Dippoldiswalde

Immerse yourself in romance as you explore the scenic routes near Dippoldiswalde


Embark on a romantic road cycling adventure with this round trip route starting near Dippoldiswalde. As you pedal through scenic landscapes and charming villages, you'll be immersed in love's atmosphere. This route combines picturesque views with historical sites and cultural highlights, creating a perfect blend of romance and exploration. Enjoy the beauty of the countryside while discovering hidden gems and taking in the captivating surroundings. Whether you're a passionate cyclist or simply seeking a romantic escapade, this tour is an enchanting journey that will leave you longing for more.

70 km
938 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Oberhäslich Village center
Dippoldiswalde: Experience Cycling Bliss in Dippoldiswalde: Scenic Routes Awaits!
Dippoldiswalde, located in Dresden, Germany, offers a diverse cycling experience suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The locality has various cycling routes that pass through picturesque landscapes and charming countryside villages. While not specifically renowned for its famous climbs, Dippoldiswalde provides cyclists with enjoyable ascents and descents. The region also offers cycling events and races for those seeking a competitive experience. Additionally, cyclists exploring this area will appreciate the well-maintained roads and cycling-friendly amenities available.
Blick auf DippoldiswaldeViewpoint
Admire a romantic view of Dippoldiswalde from a scenic vantage point and feel the love in the air.
Schloss ReichstädtCastle
Visit Schloss Reichstädt, an enchanting castle that exudes fairytale charm and timeless elegance.
Make a stop at Colmnitz and experience the harmonious blend of traditional architecture and natural beauty.
Take a moment at Tännichtblick, a spot that offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape.
Buch-Berg412 mPeak
Cycle through the quaint village of Buch-Berg and fall in love with its idyllic charm.
Explore Mohorn, a village characterized by its rustic beauty and architectural charm.
Kursächsische PostmeilensäuleAttraction
Discover the Kursächsische Postmeilensäule, a historical milestone marking the former postal route.
Eisernes KreuzViewpoint
Admire the imposing Eisernes Kreuz, a significant historical monument symbolizing courage and strength.
Marvel at Oelsa, a village known for its idyllic setting and captivating countryside views.
Take a break near König-Johann-Turm and enjoy panoramic views of the scenic surroundings.
Finish: Oberhäslich Village center
Dippoldiswalde: Experience Cycling Bliss in Dippoldiswalde: Scenic Routes Awaits!

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