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Road Route near Cadenberge

A road cycling route starting from Cadenberge

Explore the Wingst region and quaint villages


Experience the beauty of the Wingst region with this road cycling route starting near Cadenberge. Covering a distance of 112 kilometers and with an elevation gain of 253 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge for experienced cyclists. Highlights along the way include the picturesque Kreienberg, the charming village of Lamstedt, and the scenic Flögeln. Starting and ending near Cadenberge, this route showcases the rural beauty of the region.

112 km
253 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Cadenberge Village center
Cadenberge: Nature's Cycling Retreat in Lüneburg
Cadenberge is a small town located in Lüneburg, Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Cadenberge offers a peaceful and scenic cycling experience. The locality is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, including fields, forests, and rivers, providing cyclists with stunning views throughout their rides. There are also well-marked cycling routes that cater to both road and gravel cyclists, allowing riders to explore the countryside at their own pace. Cadenberge is situated near the Wadden Sea, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which attracts many nature and adventure-seeking cyclists. Overall, Cadenberge is an ideal destination for cyclists looking for a tranquil and nature-filled cycling getaway.
Kreienberg56 mPeak
Kreienberg is a scenic hill with stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Wingst is a picturesque village known for its traditional architecture.
Lamstedt is a quaint village with charming streets worth exploring.
Hipstedt is a small village surrounded by beautiful farmland.
Flögeln is a charming village with traditional half-timbered houses.
Osterbruch is a scenic village surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque farmland.
Finish: Cadenberge Village center
Cadenberge: Nature's Cycling Retreat in Lüneburg

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