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The Road to Steady Ascents

A road cycling route starting from Cadenberge

An exhilarating road cycling route with beautiful ascents and stunning landscapes awaits you on this journey from Cadenberge.


This road cycling route starting near Cadenberge offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for well-trained amateurs. With a total ascent of 214 meters and a distance of 105 kilometers, cyclists will enjoy picturesque countryside views and interesting landmarks along the way. The route takes you through charming towns and villages, including Oberndorf, Engelschoff, and Düdenbüttel, offering opportunities to immerse yourself in the local culture. Don't miss the chance to explore the Bultberg and Ostewiesen, where you can appreciate the natural beauty of the area. Overall, this route provides a great mix of physical challenge and scenic enjoyment.

105 km
214 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Cadenberge Village center
Cadenberge: Nature's Cycling Retreat in Lüneburg
Cadenberge is a small town located in Lüneburg, Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Cadenberge offers a peaceful and scenic cycling experience. The locality is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, including fields, forests, and rivers, providing cyclists with stunning views throughout their rides. There are also well-marked cycling routes that cater to both road and gravel cyclists, allowing riders to explore the countryside at their own pace. Cadenberge is situated near the Wadden Sea, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which attracts many nature and adventure-seeking cyclists. Overall, Cadenberge is an ideal destination for cyclists looking for a tranquil and nature-filled cycling getaway.
Located in Oberndorf, this highlight offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscapes, perfect for a short break and some photography.
Engelschoff provides a peaceful atmosphere and a chance to explore its historical architecture and scenic surroundings.
Düdenbüttel not only has a lovely charm, but also offers several options for food and drink, making it a good spot for a well-deserved rest.
Bultberg31 mPeak
Bultberg is a historical site with remnants of ancient settlements, providing an intriguing glimpse into the past.
Ostewiesen is a beautiful natural reserve that serves as a home to various wildlife species and features serene meadows, a must-see for nature enthusiasts.
Nieder OchtenhausenVillage
Nieder Ochtenhausen is a traditional village with well-preserved timber-framed houses, offering a glimpse into local architectural heritage.
Lamstedt, a small town with a charming atmosphere, is perfect for a coffee break or exploring its streets lined with historic buildings.
Wingst is famous for its picturesque landscapes, including rolling hills, dense forests, and the renowned Wingst Nature Park.
Deutscher Olymp61 mPeak
Deutscher Olymp, located near Cadenberge, has numerous attractions including a tower with panoramic views and thrilling cycling trails.
Finish: Cadenberge Village center
Cadenberge: Nature's Cycling Retreat in Lüneburg

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