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Lüneburg Cycling Route

A road cycling route starting from Schiffdorf

Discover charming Lunestedt and the scenic Blumenthal on this road cycling adventure near Schiffdorf.


The Lüneburg Cycling Route is a 119 km road cycling route starting near Schiffdorf. With a total ascent of 185 m, this route offers a scenic and enjoyable ride through the countryside. Highlights along the route include the picturesque village of Lunestedt, known for its charming architecture, and the beautiful Blumenthal, a quaint town with vibrant flowers lining the streets. Cyclists will also pass through Bokel, Sandstedt, Wiemsdorf, and Schiffdorferdamm, each offering unique sights and experiences. This route is suitable for cyclists of moderate fitness levels and promises a memorable cycling adventure.

119 km
185 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Schiffdorf Village center
Schiffdorf: Cycling wonderland in Germany
Schiffdorf in Germany is a cyclist's playground. The region boasts a combination of flat terrain and challenging hills, making it suitable for cyclists of all levels. Cyclists can explore the idyllic countryside of Lüneburg and immerse themselves in the region's rich history. A notable cycling attraction nearby is the legendary Bremervörde climb, which has become a favorite among cycling enthusiasts. Schiffdorf offers a unique blend of tranquility and adrenaline-pumping adventure for road and gravel cyclists.
Lunestedt is a charming village with unique architecture that dates back centuries. Explore its historic landmarks and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Bokel is a quaint town with picturesque landscapes. Cycle through its serene streets and take in the scenic beauty of the area.
Blumenthal is known for its beautiful flowers that adorn the streets. This town offers a stunning natural setting and is perfect for a relaxing cycling break.
Sandstedt is a small village with a rich history. Take a moment to explore its charming streets and learn about its cultural heritage.
Wiemsdorf is a picturesque hamlet surrounded by lush green fields and meadows. Admire the rural beauty of this area as you cycle through its peaceful lanes.
Schiffdorferdamm is a scenic causeway that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding marshlands. Enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of this area as you pedal along the route.
Finish: Schiffdorf Village center
Schiffdorf: Cycling wonderland in Germany

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