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The River Elbe Loop

A road cycling route starting from Schiffdorf

Follow the course of the majestic River Elbe on this scenic road cycling route


Discover the stunning landscapes and charming towns along the River Elbe with The River Elbe Loop. This 145-kilometer road cycling route begins near Schiffdorf and takes you on a scenic journey along the river. Explore the picturesque villages of Alfstedt, Armstorf, Hechthausen, Oldendorf, and more. With a difficulty level of 4 and a total ascent of 378 meters, the route is suitable for experienced amateur cyclists. The River Elbe Loop offers breathtaking views, serene riverbanks, and historic sights that make it a truly epic cycling experience.

145 km
378 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Schiffdorf Village center
Schiffdorf: Cycling wonderland in Germany
Schiffdorf in Germany is a cyclist's playground. The region boasts a combination of flat terrain and challenging hills, making it suitable for cyclists of all levels. Cyclists can explore the idyllic countryside of Lüneburg and immerse themselves in the region's rich history. A notable cycling attraction nearby is the legendary Bremervörde climb, which has become a favorite among cycling enthusiasts. Schiffdorf offers a unique blend of tranquility and adrenaline-pumping adventure for road and gravel cyclists.
Aussichtsturm Polder Bramel (Eulenturm)Viewpoint
Visit the Aussichtsturm Polder Bramel (Eulenturm) and enjoy panoramic views of the River Elbe and its surrounding marshlands.
Stop by Alfstedt and explore its quaint village center, filled with timber-framed houses and picturesque alleys.
Make a pit stop in Armstorf and admire its charming brick church and historic windmill.
Discover Hechthausen's idyllic setting by the river and take a leisurely stroll along the scenic promenade.
Explore Oldendorf, a cozy village nestled amidst picturesque meadows and rolling hills.
Bultberg31 mPeak
Marvel at the panoramic views from Bultberg, a small hill that offers a stunning vantage point of the surrounding countryside.
Visit Sandbostel and learn about its historical significance as a former prisoner-of-war camp during World War II.
Pass through Heerstedt and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this quaint village dotted with traditional houses.
Take a break at Hosermühlen, an idyllic spot along the river where you can relax and soak in the tranquil atmosphere.
Finish: Schiffdorf Village center
Schiffdorf: Cycling wonderland in Germany

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