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Tranquil countryside and rewarding climbs in Heideck

Cycling routes from Heideck

Heideck is a town located in Mittelfranken, Germany. From the viewpoint of a road and gravel cyclist, Heideck offers a mix of rural roads, scenic countryside, and well-maintained cycling paths. The area is surrounded by forests and dotted with charming villages, providing a tranquil backdrop for cycling adventures. One popular cycling climb nearby is the Heidecker Berg with its steep gradients and rewarding views. Overall, Heideck is a cyclist-friendly area, offering a range of cycling options suitable for different skill levels.

Explore the gravel roads around Höttingen and uncover its natural beauty

44 km
550 m

Take on the Höttingen Gravel Loop, a 44km route with an ascent of 550m that starts from Heideck and passes through highlights such as Schloßberg, Höttingen, Pleinfeld, Kappelstein, and back to Heideck. This scenic gravel ride offers the opportunity to explore the charming landscapes and picturesque villages surrounding Höttingen. Experience the tranquility of the countryside and enjoy the adventure of riding on gravel roads.

A challenging gravel ride through the scenic landscapes of Thalmässing and surrounding areas

74 km
874 m

Take on the Thalmässing Loop, a gravel route that starts from Heideck and takes you through highlights such as Thalmässing, Reuther Platte, Erlingshofen, Pollenfeld, Römischer Wachturm (Limes) 14/53, Bergen, and back to Heideck. This route covers a distance of 74km with an ascent of 874m, offering a challenging ride for gravel enthusiasts. Along the way, enjoy the rolling hills, dense forests, and idyllic countryside scenery that Thalmässing and its surroundings have to offer.

A scenic road cycling route passing by castles and picturesque towns in Mittelfranken, Germany.

118 km
1191 m

The Heideck Castle Loop is a picturesque road cycling route that takes you through the stunning landscapes of Mittelfranken, Germany. Starting near Heideck, the route covers a distance of 118 kilometers with a total ascent of 1,191 meters. This route is perfect for well-trained amateurs looking for a challenging yet enjoyable ride through beautiful countryside.

Embark on an epic cycling adventure through Bechthal

96 km
1148 m

The Bechthal Adventure is a challenging road cycling route that spans 96 kilometers and includes an ascent of 1148 meters. This route takes you through the diverse landscape of Bechthal and its surrounding areas, offering breathtaking views and a thrilling ride. Highlights along the way include Bechthal, a charming village with traditional Bavarian architecture, Schernfeld, known for its picturesque countryside, Dammerfelsen, a stunning rock formation overlooking the hills, and Langenaltheim-Blick, offering panoramic views of the surrounding nature. This route is ideal for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging and rewarding adventure.

Explore the serene gravel roads near Heideck

38 km
530 m

Experience tranquility and natural beauty on the Gravel Serenity cycling route. Spanning 38 kilometers with an ascent of 530 meters, this gravel route takes you through peaceful country roads and scenic landscapes near Heideck. Highlights on the route include Sollerberg, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside, Pleinfeld, a charming village with traditional Bavarian architecture, Aussichtsturm mit Panorama auf den Brombachsee, a tower with panoramic views of Lake Brombach, and Heideck itself, a small town with a rich cultural heritage. The Gravel Serenity route is perfect for cyclists seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Conquer the Biberg Challenge for an epic cycling experience

142 km
1520 m

Prepare for an extraordinary cycling adventure with the Biberg Challenge. This 142-kilometer road cycling route will push your limits with a challenging ascent of 1520 meters. The route takes you through the picturesque landscapes of Biberg and its surrounding areas, offering breathtaking views and exhilarating moments. Highlights along the way include Weinsfeld, a charming village known for its traditional architecture, Rübling, offering scenic countryside views, Sulzbuck, a magnificent hill with panoramic vistas, Brandplatz, an attractive square with historical buildings and a lively atmosphere, Biberg, a hilltop village with stunning views, Reisberg, a challenging climb with rewarding views, Eitensheim, a picturesque town with several must-visit spots, Wellheim, home to beautiful natural formations, Kreuzelberg, a legendary cycling spot with a challenging ascent, Dollnstein, a historic town with charming streets, Bieswang, an idyllic village with old-worldly charm, Steinberg, a hill with panoramic views, Reuth unter Neuhaus, a tranquil village surrounded by nature, and Schloßberg, a hill with great panoramic vistas. The Biberg Challenge is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking an epic and memorable ride.

A scenic road ride exploring the countryside between Heideck and Allersberg

48 km
421 m

Embark on a road cycling adventure from Heideck to Allersberg, taking in highlights such as Schloss Ratibor, Allersberg, Hilpoltstein, and Seiboldsmühle. This 48km route with an ascent of 421m offers a scenic and moderately challenging ride through the beautiful landscapes of Mittelfranken. Enjoy the picturesque villages, rolling hills, and cultural landmarks along the way.

Discover the delights of Nennslingen on this cycling adventure

47 km
512 m

The Nennslingen Delight is a enjoyable road cycling route that covers 47 kilometers and includes an ascent of 512 meters. This route takes you through the idyllic landscapes surrounding Nennslingen, offering picturesque views and a pleasant ride. Highlights along the way include Nennslingen, a charming village with traditional architecture and a relaxed atmosphere, an Aussichtsplattform that provides panoramic views of the surrounding nature, Höttingen, a picturesque town with historical landmarks, Mischelbach, known for its beautiful landscapes, and Kappelstein, a hill that offers stunning vistas of the surrounding countryside. The Nennslingen Delight route is suitable for cyclists of all levels, providing a delightful experience for both amateurs and experienced riders.

A challenging gravel route with beautiful nature and scenic views

84 km
854 m

Embark on a challenging gravel adventure from Heideck to Wallnsdorf and back, covering a distance of 84km with an ascent of 854m. Highlights along the way include Rumleshof, Wallnsdorf, Reiterberg, Sulzbuck, Hausen, Reuther Platte, Thalmässing, and Aberzhausen. This route offers a mix of technical sections, challenging climbs, and breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding landscapes. Get ready for an epic gravel ride through the beautiful nature and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering this challenging route.

A scenic gravel route exploring the Eckersmühlen lock and the beautiful landscapes of Mittelfranken, Germany

96 km
695 m

This gravel route takes you from Heideck and goes through highlights such as the Eckersmühlen lock, Zwiefelhof, Oberlindelburg, Berg bei Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Sengenthal, Schlüpfelberg, Eysölden, and back to Heideck. You'll enjoy the peaceful surroundings, picturesque villages, and quaint countryside along the way. The route covers a distance of 96km with an ascent of 695m.

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