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The Road Explorer: Möhlau to Düben

A road cycling route starting from Moehlau

Embark on an 86 km road cycling adventure through scenic landscapes and historic towns


Discover the beauty of Sachsen-Anhalt with this 86 km road cycling route. With an ascent of 188 meters, enjoy a smooth ride as you pass highlights such as Retzau, a charming village known for its traditional architecture and rich cultural heritage. Cycle up Sandberg, a challenging climb that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Roßlau, another highlight, enchants visitors with its historic landmarks and tranquil atmosphere. Pedaling further, make sure to visit Steinberg, a small town perched on a hilltop, before reaching Düben, known for its picturesque location and warm hospitality.

86 km
188 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Möhlau Village center
Möhlau: Cycling gem in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Möhlau is a hidden gem located in the Sachsen-Anhalt region of Germany, offering an incredible cycling experience for all enthusiasts. From its picturesque countryside to historic landmarks, Möhlau has much to offer. The town provides well-maintained cycling paths that wind through charming rural areas and along the Elbe River, offering stunning views and peaceful rides. Moreover, Möhlau is close to the famous Wittenberg Castle, known as the birthplace of the Reformation. Cyclists visiting Möhlau can combine their passion for cycling with a historic and cultural exploration, making for a truly unique experience.
Retzau is a quaint village with well-preserved buildings and a captivating history.
Sandberg64 mPeak
Sandberg is a challenging climb that rewards cyclists with majestic panoramic views of the landscapes.
Roßlau is dotted with historic buildings and landmarks, showcasing its rich cultural heritage.
Steinberg93 mPeak
Steinberg is a charming town perched on a hilltop, offering beautiful vistas and a sense of tranquility.
Scheideberg125 mPeak
Scheideberg is a typical German rural village characterized by its idyllic surroundings and warm hospitality.
Düben is a picturesque town located amidst stunning natural landscapes, inviting visitors to explore its captivating beauty.
Vockerode offers scenic cycling routes, passing through quaint villages and tranquil countryside.
Drehberg is a charming hilltop village, providing cyclists with scenic views and a peaceful atmosphere.
Jüdenberg is a stunning medieval town that captivates visitors with its architectural wonders and cultural heritage.
Finish: Möhlau Village center
Möhlau: Cycling gem in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

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