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Tranquil landscapes and diverse cycling routes await you in Wolfen.

Cycling routes from Wolfen

Wolfen is located in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. As a road and gravel cyclist, you will find plenty of cycling opportunities in this locality. The roads here are well-maintained, making it easy to explore the surrounding countryside. Wolfen is known for its beautiful landscapes and rural charm, providing a peaceful and scenic backdrop for your rides. Additionally, there are several cycling routes in the area that cater to different skill levels, ensuring that cyclists of all abilities can enjoy the sport. If you're up for a challenge, you can also venture out to nearby Harz Mountains, which offer some iconic climbs for experienced cyclists.

Embrace the excitement of the Glebitzsch Adventure road cycling route.

147 km
420 m

Embark on the Glebitzsch Adventure, a 147 km road cycling route near Wolfen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. This challenging route includes a total ascent of 420 meters, adding an extra thrill for experienced cyclists. Highlights include the scenic Glebitzsch village, captivating views from Reilsberg, and the spectacular Krähenberg. Steep climbs and thrilling descents will test your skills, making this route perfect for cycling enthusiasts seeking an adrenaline rush. Additionally, the historical towns of Alsleben and Mühlberg showcase architectural wonders and provide cultural insights. Don't miss Ziethe Bifurkation, where the river splits into two channels, creating a mesmerizing natural phenomenon.


Retzau Loop

Experience the beauty of Retzau on this distinctive road cycling route.

91 km
197 m

The Retzau Loop is a 91 km road cycling route near Wolfen in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. With a total ascent of 197 meters, this route offers a moderate level of difficulty suitable for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you'll ride through picturesque villages, scenic countryside, and enjoy stunning views from vantage points like the Stadtbalkon and Muldensteiner Berg. The route is known for its well-paved roads and minimal traffic, providing a pleasant and safe cycling experience. Don't miss highlights such as the historic village of Zschornewitz and the charming town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen.

Embark on an epic gravel cycling journey through the scenic landscapes near Dessau

94 km
203 m

Discover the natural beauty and cultural wonders of the region with this 94-kilometer gravel cycling route near Wolfen. With an ascent of 203 meters, this route presents a moderate challenge for cycling enthusiasts. The highlights along the route include Wolfen, Dessau, Wallwitzberg, Jeber-Bergfrieden, Rotkopf, Düben, Vockerode, Retzau, and Jeßnitz (Anhalt). These diverse attractions offer a range of experiences, from historic landmarks to breathtaking viewpoints. The overall experience of this route is both exciting and captivating, making it a must-try for cyclists of all levels. Capture the essence of adventure and immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the area.

Embark on a scenic gravel tour through the countryside near Wolfen

79 km
170 m

Experience the beauty of the countryside near Wolfen on this 79-kilometer gravel route. With an ascent of 170 meters, it offers a moderate challenge for experienced cyclists. The route takes you through Retzau, Vockerode, Weinberg, Gohrau, Gräfenhainichen, Gröberner See, and Altjeßnitz. Explore charming villages, picturesque lakes, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding nature. The highlights along the route include Wolfen, Retzau, Vockerode, Weinberg, Gohrau, Gräfenhainichen, Gröberner See, and Altjeßnitz. Each of these spots has its unique charm and offers opportunities to learn more about the local culture and history.

Embark on an adventurous gravel ride from Bitterfeld-Wolfen

68 km
88 m

This exhilarating 68-kilometer gravel route starts in Bitterfeld-Wolfen and takes you through various towns and scenic spots. With an ascent of 88 meters, it offers a moderate challenge for cyclists. Explore the charming towns of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Pegelturm, Heiligenberg, Badrina, Delitzsch, Holzweißig, and Wachtendorf. Enjoy picturesque landscapes, historical landmarks, and scenic views of the surrounding nature. The highlights along the route include Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Pegelturm, Heiligenberg, Badrina, Delitzsch, Holzweißig, and Wachtendorf. These spots offer unique attractions and scenic beauty worth exploring.

Embark on an epic gravel cycling adventure through the stunning landscapes near Halle (Saale)

88 km
160 m

Experience the breathtaking beauty of the region with this 88-kilometer gravel cycling route near Wolfen. With an ascent of 160 meters, this route provides a challenging yet rewarding experience for cycling enthusiasts. The highlights along the route include Wolfen, Landsberg, Halle (Saale), Heideberg, Drobitz, Göttnitz, and Zschepkau. These highlights offer a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural landmarks, making this route a true gem for adventurers. Immerse yourself in the stunning vistas, soak in the rich history, and enjoy the sense of awe that accompanies every pedal stroke.

Cycle through the countryside, passing through small villages and scenic landscapes.

81 km
72 m

Embark on a pleasant cycling adventure from Wolfen to Sandersdorf, taking in the beautiful countryside of Sachsen-Anhalt. This route is perfect for those looking for a leisurely ride, as it offers a gentle elevation gain and a total distance of 81 kilometers. The road bike route will take you through charming villages and provide stunning views of the surrounding nature. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and embrace the tranquility as you pedal through the picturesque landscapes.

Explore the charming town of Bobbau on this gravel cycling route near Wolfen

56 km
124 m

This round-trip cycling route near Wolfen takes you through the picturesque town of Bobbau. With a distance of 56 kilometers and an elevation gain of 124 meters, this route is suitable for all skill levels. Enjoy the scenic countryside and take in the fresh air as you ride through the quiet roads and gravel paths. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Mildensee, Möhlau, Irrgarten, and Jeßnitz (Anhalt). These attractions offer interesting insights into the history and culture of the region. Overall, this route provides a peaceful and enjoyable cycling experience for both locals and tourists.

Explore Wolfen and surrounding towns on this gravel cycling route

41 km
35 m

This circular gravel route starts in Wolfen and takes you through the towns of Riesdorf, Fraßdorf, and Bobbau. With a total distance of 41 kilometers and an ascent of 35 meters, it is suitable for beginners or those looking for a leisurely ride. The route offers scenic views of the countryside and passes by beautiful natural landscapes. The highlights along the route include Wolfen, Riesdorf, Fraßdorf, and Bobbau. These towns offer a glimpse into the local culture and history of Sachsen-Anhalt.

Explore the picturesque Wolfen countryside on this delightful road cycling route.

82 km
92 m

The Wolfen Countryside Tour is an 82 km road cycling route near Wolfen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. With an ascent of 92 meters, this route offers a relatively easy ride suitable for cyclists of all levels. The route starts in the charming town of Wolfen itself, where you can discover its rich industrial history. Pedal your way through idyllic landscapes, passing by picturesque villages like Zscherndorf and Wiesenena. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the Benndorf area, which is dotted with small lakes and forests. As you cycle through Burgstetten and Zörbig, marvel at their unique architecture and charming atmosphere. Conclude your journey in Thalheim, a peaceful village known for its tranquility and stunning surroundings.

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