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Retzau Loop

A road cycling route starting from Wolfen

Experience the beauty of Retzau on this distinctive road cycling route.


The Retzau Loop is a 91 km road cycling route near Wolfen in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. With a total ascent of 197 meters, this route offers a moderate level of difficulty suitable for amateur cyclists. Along the way, you'll ride through picturesque villages, scenic countryside, and enjoy stunning views from vantage points like the Stadtbalkon and Muldensteiner Berg. The route is known for its well-paved roads and minimal traffic, providing a pleasant and safe cycling experience. Don't miss highlights such as the historic village of Zschornewitz and the charming town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen.

91 km
197 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Wolfen: Tranquil landscapes and diverse cycling routes await you in Wolfen.
Wolfen is located in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. As a road and gravel cyclist, you will find plenty of cycling opportunities in this locality. The roads here are well-maintained, making it easy to explore the surrounding countryside. Wolfen is known for its beautiful landscapes and rural charm, providing a peaceful and scenic backdrop for your rides. Additionally, there are several cycling routes in the area that cater to different skill levels, ensuring that cyclists of all abilities can enjoy the sport. If you're up for a challenge, you can also venture out to nearby Harz Mountains, which offer some iconic climbs for experienced cyclists.
Retzau is known for its beautiful half-timbered houses and a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages.
Vockerode is a small village with a well-preserved old town featuring charming houses and cobblestone streets.
Buro is a great spot to take a break with scenic views of a captivating landscape.
Drehberg is a popular viewpoint that offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding nature.
Stadtbalkon is a must-visit highlight overlooking Bitterfeld-Wolfen with stunning views.
Zschornewitz is a historic village known for its traditional architecture and well-preserved buildings.
Muldensteiner Berg124 mPeak
Muldensteiner Berg is a gently sloping hill offering scenic views of the surrounding countryside.
Bitterfeld-Wolfen is a charming town with a rich industrial history and architectural gems.
Finish: Locality center
Wolfen: Tranquil landscapes and diverse cycling routes await you in Wolfen.

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