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Ahrensburg to Bargteheide Gravel Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Ahrensburg

A thrilling gravel cycling route from Ahrensburg to Bargteheide


Get off the beaten path with this 58 km gravel route from Ahrensburg to Bargteheide. This adventurous route offers an exciting mix of varied terrains, including gravel paths and forest trails. With a total ascent of 261 meters, this route will challenge even the fittest riders. Immerse yourself in nature as you cycle through beautiful forests and quiet countryside.

58 km
261 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ahrensburg City center
Ahrensburg: Uncover the cycling treasures amidst tranquil landscapes of Ahrensburg.
Ahrensburg, situated in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, is a cyclist-friendly locality with stunning natural beauty. The town offers a variety of cycling routes that cater to all levels of cyclists. Whether you prefer leisurely rides or more challenging hill climbs, Ahrensburg has something for everyone. Cyclists can explore the surrounding countryside, with its rolling hills and peaceful roads, and visit nearby attractions such as Ahrensburg Castle. One well-known nearby cycling spot is the Brockdorfer Bergen, providing a tough uphill challenge for experienced riders. Ahrensburg's mix of tranquility and cycling opportunities make it a fantastic destination for cyclists and nature enthusiasts alike.
Bornberg40 mPeak
Pass through Bornberg, a charming village surrounded by picturesque landscapes and traditional half-timbered houses.
Marvel at Bargteheide's beautiful medieval church and take a leisurely stroll through its quaint streets.
Stop by Neritz and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this idyllic village with its serene ponds and charming landscape.
Bad OldesloeTown
Explore Bad Oldesloe, a historic town known for its well-preserved buildings and tranquil parks, perfect for a refreshing break during your ride.
Don't miss Mollhagen, a hidden gem surrounded by lush forests and cycling-friendly paths, offering an ideal spot to rejuvenate.
Terrasse SeehofViewpoint
Take a break on the terrace of Seehof Mansion and soak in the stunning views of the surrounding countryside and the nearby lake.
Cycle through Großhansdorf, a lovely village known for its charming timber-framed houses and cozy atmosphere.
Finish: Ahrensburg City center
Ahrensburg: Uncover the cycling treasures amidst tranquil landscapes of Ahrensburg.

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