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Historical Charm of Bargfeld-Stegen and Hoisdorf

A road cycling route starting from Ahrensburg

Immerse yourself in history as you cycle through Bargfeld-Stegen and Hoisdorf.


Immerse yourself in history as you cycle through Bargfeld-Stegen and Hoisdorf. This 103-kilometer road route offers a fascinating journey through time, passing by historical sites such as the Kalkberg limestone cliffs and the Am Alten Markt square. With an ascent of 338 meters, this moderately challenging route invites you to discover the rich heritage of Schleswig-Holstein while enjoying its beautiful countryside. Take a break in Bargfeld-Stegen, a charming village known for its unique half-timbered houses, before continuing onwards to Hoisdorf, where you'll find the picturesque Hoisdorf Castle and pristine natural surroundings. Overall, this route offers a perfect balance of culture, history, and natural beauty, making it an appealing choice for history enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

103 km
338 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ahrensburg City center
Ahrensburg: Uncover the cycling treasures amidst tranquil landscapes of Ahrensburg.
Ahrensburg, situated in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, is a cyclist-friendly locality with stunning natural beauty. The town offers a variety of cycling routes that cater to all levels of cyclists. Whether you prefer leisurely rides or more challenging hill climbs, Ahrensburg has something for everyone. Cyclists can explore the surrounding countryside, with its rolling hills and peaceful roads, and visit nearby attractions such as Ahrensburg Castle. One well-known nearby cycling spot is the Brockdorfer Bergen, providing a tough uphill challenge for experienced riders. Ahrensburg's mix of tranquility and cycling opportunities make it a fantastic destination for cyclists and nature enthusiasts alike.
Explore Bargfeld-Stegen, a village with a rich literary history, including its connection to famous author Günter Grass.
Kalkberg86 mViewpoint
Marvel at the impressive Kalkberg limestone cliffs, which rise majestically from the surrounding landscape.
Discover the charming village of Hoisdorf and its historic buildings, idyllic nature reserves, and peaceful atmosphere.
Am Alten MarktShelter
Take a moment to visit the Am Alten Markt square in Ahrensburg and soak in the local ambiance of this traditional meeting point.
Finish: Ahrensburg City center
Ahrensburg: Uncover the cycling treasures amidst tranquil landscapes of Ahrensburg.

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