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Hainich Trails

A gravel cycling route starting from Creuzburg

Virgin forests and fairy-tale-like meadows await on this gravel cycling adventure through the Hainich National Park.


Embark on a scenic journey through the enchanting Hainich National Park, where preserved virgin forests and picturesque meadows showcase the beauty of this region. This gravel route combines tranquility and natural wonders, offering a unique experience for nature lovers and cycling enthusiasts alike. With a moderate difficulty level, it rewards riders with breathtaking landscapes and glimpses of local wildlife. The Hainich Trails route is a testament to Thüringen's commitment to preserving its natural heritage.

60 km
711 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ebenau Village center
Creuzburg: Immerse yourself in the history and natural beauty of Creuzburg in Thüringen, Germany.
Creuzburg, situated in Thüringen, Germany, is a cyclist's paradise. The region offers breathtaking landscapes, charming medieval towns, and well-maintained cycling routes. Cyclists can enjoy both challenging climbs and scenic river routes along the Werra River. One of the highlights for cyclists is the Creuzburg Castle, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. The region is also famous for its well-known climb, the Hohe Sonne. Overall, Creuzburg provides a perfect blend of nature, culture, and cycling opportunities for all types of riders.
Located at the 7-kilometer mark, the quaint village of Lauterbach offers a picturesque backdrop for a quick rest and the opportunity to bask in its charming atmosphere.
Eichenberg422 mPeak
At the 12-kilometer mark, you'll encounter Eichenberg, a small village known for its well-preserved traditional timber-framed houses, inviting you to immerse yourself in a slice of rural charm.
As you approach the 25-kilometer mark, be prepared to be awe-struck by the majestic Hörselberg-Hainich mountain range. Towering over the surrounding countryside, it offers panoramic views that make it a landmark worth stopping for.
Leichberg325 mPeak
At the 27-kilometer mark, take a breather at Leichberg, where the tranquility of the surrounding meadows and gentle hills will rejuvenate your spirits.
The village of Haina, located at the 33-kilometer mark, is famous for its historical windmill. Take a moment to admire this cultural gem which stands as a testament to Thüringen's rich heritage.
Läuseberg324 mPeak
As you reach the 50-kilometer mark, the captivating Läuseberg hill offers cyclists undulating landscapes and stunning vistas that embody the beauty of the Hainich region.
At the 53-kilometer mark, Ütteroda beckons with its idyllic rolling hills and blooming wildflower fields, creating a picturesque canvas that captures the essence of Thüringen's countryside.
Mittelberg332 mShelter
At the final stretch, the 60-kilometer mark unveils the majestic Mittelberg, a revered summit that crowns the Hainich Trails route. Enjoy a victorious moment at this legendary landmark.
Finish: Ebenau Village center
Creuzburg: Immerse yourself in the history and natural beauty of Creuzburg in Thüringen, Germany.

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