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Wartburgblick Gravel Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Creuzburg

Enjoy stunning views of the iconic Wartburg Castle on this challenging gravel route


The Wartburgblick gravel route near Creuzburg spans 58 km and showcases the scenic beauty of Thüringen. With an ascent of 977 meters, this challenging route is perfect for experienced cyclists looking for an epic ride. Along the way, you'll journey through picturesque villages, dense forests, and rolling hills. The highlight of the route is a breathtaking view of the iconic Wartburg Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that holds great historical significance.

58 km
977 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ebenau Village center
Creuzburg: Immerse yourself in the history and natural beauty of Creuzburg in Thüringen, Germany.
Creuzburg, situated in Thüringen, Germany, is a cyclist's paradise. The region offers breathtaking landscapes, charming medieval towns, and well-maintained cycling routes. Cyclists can enjoy both challenging climbs and scenic river routes along the Werra River. One of the highlights for cyclists is the Creuzburg Castle, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. The region is also famous for its well-known climb, the Hohe Sonne. Overall, Creuzburg provides a perfect blend of nature, culture, and cycling opportunities for all types of riders.
Spichra is a charming village known for its historic buildings and tranquil atmosphere.
Hörschelberg325 mPeak
Hörschelberg offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, including the Hörseltal Valley.
Wartburgblick HörseltalViewpoint
Wartburgblick Hörseltal is a stunning viewpoint that provides breathtaking vistas of the Wartburg Castle and the Hörseltal Valley.
Oberellen is a charming village known for its traditional architecture and serene ambiance.
Hardt354 mPeak
Hardt is a scenic hill offering beautiful views of the surrounding Thüringen landscape.
Lauchröden is a small town surrounded by scenic hills and forests, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
Creuzburg is a historic town with a well-preserved medieval castle that offers stunning views of the Werra River.
Wisch363 mViewpoint
Wisch is a picturesque village with traditional half-timbered houses and a peaceful ambiance.
Finish: Ebenau Village center
Creuzburg: Immerse yourself in the history and natural beauty of Creuzburg in Thüringen, Germany.

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