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Laid-back cycling in Ásotthalom

Cycling routes from Asotthalom

Ásotthalom is a town located in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers mostly flat terrain with some gentle rolling hills. The town itself has a laid-back atmosphere with a mix of modern and traditional architecture. While Ásotthalom may not be home to any famous cycling spots or well-known climbs, it provides good infrastructure for cycling, including well-maintained roads and designated cycling paths. The surrounding countryside also offers scenic routes with beautiful landscapes.

Discover hidden gems in Hungary and Serbia on this gravel route.

62 km
67 m

Immerse yourself in the rich cultures of Hungary and Serbia on this gravel route that connects Subotica in Serbia and Ásotthalom in Hungary. As you pedal along, you'll encounter charming villages with stunning architecture, delicious local cuisine, and warm hospitality. The flat terrain makes it accessible for amateur cyclists while providing stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Explore the scenic countryside on a gravel route passing through Zákányszék and Bordány.

58 km
51 m

Discover the hidden gems of the Hungarian countryside on this gravel cycling route. Ride through idyllic landscapes, passing through Zákányszék, a charming village with traditional architecture and a welcoming atmosphere. Continue to Bordány, another picturesque village known for its relaxed ambiance and stunning nature. Experience the tranquility of rural Hungary and enjoy the views of vast fields and meandering rivers.

Explore the enchanting village of Backi Vinogradi during this gravel ride.

82 km
95 m

Embark on a journey through time as you cycle through the Hungarian and Serbian countryside on this gravel route. The highlight of the route is Backi Vinogradi, a charming village known for its preserved traditional architecture and tranquil atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the local culture, taste delicious traditional cuisine, and capture stunning views of vineyards and rolling hills along the way.

Enjoy a challenging road cycling route starting from Ásotthalom.

99 km
108 m

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure with this route starting from Ásotthalom. As you climb and descend, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the countryside and nearby villages. The route features some hilly sections and can pose a challenge even for experienced cyclists. Take breaks along the way to refuel and recharge, and enjoy the tranquility of picturesque rural Hungary.

Experience the tranquility of rural Hungary on this scenic road cycling route.

44 km
37 m

Embark on a serene journey through the scenic landscapes of rural Hungary. This road cycling route offers smooth roads and gentle inclines, perfect for leisurely rides and enjoying the beautiful surroundings. With highlights including the charming Átokháza and the historic Kelebia village, this route promises a peaceful and enjoyable cycling experience. Ideal for cyclists of all levels, you'll have plenty of opportunities to stop and explore the idyllic countryside along the way.

Discover the charming villages and beautiful landscapes along this road cycling route.

73 km
64 m

This road cycling route takes you through picturesque villages and stunning landscapes. You'll enjoy smooth roads and rolling hills throughout the ride, making it a great choice for both recreational cyclists and more experienced riders. The route offers a good balance of challenging climbs and enjoyable descents, with plenty of opportunities to soak in the scenic beauty of the Dél-Alföld region. With highlights including the quaint village of Horgos and the scenic Male Pijace, this route promises a memorable cycling experience.

Embark on an exciting journey through historical sites and scenic landscapes on this road cycling route.

81 km
83 m

This road cycling route offers a unique blend of historical sites and scenic landscapes. From the enchanting Szerelem-domb to the charming Öttömös village, you'll be captivated by the rich cultural heritage of the region. The route features some challenging climbs and thrilling descents, making it suitable for experienced cyclists seeking an adventurous ride. With highlights including the picturesque Zákányszék, this route promises a memorable cycling experience filled with both historical and natural wonders.

Conquer the intense challenge of this epic cycling route with strenuous climbs and breathtaking views.

101 km
101 m

This is an epic cycling route that will push your limits and test your endurance. With challenging climbs and thrilling descents, it's recommended for experienced cyclists who are seeking an intense and rewarding challenge. The highlight of the route is Ásotthalom, a legendary cycling spot known for its breathtaking views and tough terrain. Along the way, you'll also discover hidden gems like the tranquil Aleksandrovo and the historic Kelebia. Prepare to be awed by the stunning landscapes and rewarded with a sense of accomplishment as you conquer this epic cycling route.

A scenic gravel route connecting Ásotthalom and Kelebija.

87 km
85 m

This gravel route takes you through the picturesque landscape connecting the Hungarian town of Ásotthalom and the Serbian village of Kelebija. The route is relatively flat with a few challenging sections, offering a pleasant cycling experience for amateur cyclists. As you ride, you'll be surrounded by beautiful countryside, passing by traditional farmlands and quaint villages along the way.

Embark on a challenging cycling adventure through diverse landscapes and charming villages.

90 km
89 m

This road cycling route is perfect for adrenaline seekers and experienced cyclists looking for a challenging ride. With steep climbs and thrilling descents, it offers an exciting cycling adventure through diverse landscapes. From the rustic beauty of Zákányszék to the welcoming village of Szatymaz, you'll encounter charming villages and captivating natural scenery along the way. The highlight of the route is the scenic town of Domaszék, known for its vibrant cultural scene and historic landmarks. Prepare for a thrilling ride that will both test your fitness and reward you with breathtaking views.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Mórahalom

Cycling through natural wonders and indulging in relaxation in Mórahalom, Hungary.

Image of Ruzsa

Charming cycling in Ruzsa

Image of Zákányszék

Calm countryside cycling in Zákányszék

Image of Kelebia

Discover the beauty of Dél-Alföld's countryside and challenge yourself on the nearby Gerecse Mountains.

Image of Subotica

Cultural Richness and Cycling Delight in Subotica


Nearby regions:

Image of Panonska Hrvatska
Panonska Hrvatska

Exploring the flat terrain, vineyards, and charming villages of Panonska Hrvatska.

Image of Budapest

Cycling the vibrant streets of Budapest and exploring its scenic countryside.

Image of Pest

Cycling Paradise in Central Hungary

Image of Közép-Dunántúl

Diverse landscapes and well-connected cycling routes

Image of Dél-Dunántúl

Exploring the diverse landscapes of Dél-Dunántúl

Image of Észak-Alföld

Scenic rides through picturesque Hungarian countryside

Image of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Diverse landscapes and cultural heritage.
