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Exploring Hungarian and Serbian Gems

A gravel cycling route starting from Asotthalom

Discover hidden gems in Hungary and Serbia on this gravel route.


Immerse yourself in the rich cultures of Hungary and Serbia on this gravel route that connects Subotica in Serbia and Ásotthalom in Hungary. As you pedal along, you'll encounter charming villages with stunning architecture, delicious local cuisine, and warm hospitality. The flat terrain makes it accessible for amateur cyclists while providing stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

62 km
67 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ásotthalom Village center
Ásotthalom: Laid-back cycling in Ásotthalom
Ásotthalom is a town located in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers mostly flat terrain with some gentle rolling hills. The town itself has a laid-back atmosphere with a mix of modern and traditional architecture. While Ásotthalom may not be home to any famous cycling spots or well-known climbs, it provides good infrastructure for cycling, including well-maintained roads and designated cycling paths. The surrounding countryside also offers scenic routes with beautiful landscapes.
Радановац, a small Serbian settlement, offers an opportunity to experience authentic rural life and enjoy local food specialties.
Subotica, a Serbian city known for its stunning Art Nouveau architecture, is worth exploring during your journey.
Kelebija, a border village between Hungary and Serbia, is an excellent spot to take a break and explore the unique blend of Serbian and Hungarian cultures.
Kelebia, a traditional Serbian village, offers a chance to experience the local agricultural lifestyle and try authentic Serbian cuisine.
Ásotthalom, the starting point of the route, is known for its historic centerpiece, the Ásotthalom Reformed Church, which dates back to the 13th century.
Finish: Ásotthalom Village center
Ásotthalom: Laid-back cycling in Ásotthalom

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