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Countryside Gems: Zákányszék and Bordány

A gravel cycling route starting from Asotthalom

Explore the scenic countryside on a gravel route passing through Zákányszék and Bordány.


Discover the hidden gems of the Hungarian countryside on this gravel cycling route. Ride through idyllic landscapes, passing through Zákányszék, a charming village with traditional architecture and a welcoming atmosphere. Continue to Bordány, another picturesque village known for its relaxed ambiance and stunning nature. Experience the tranquility of rural Hungary and enjoy the views of vast fields and meandering rivers.

58 km
51 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ásotthalom Village center
Ásotthalom: Laid-back cycling in Ásotthalom
Ásotthalom is a town located in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers mostly flat terrain with some gentle rolling hills. The town itself has a laid-back atmosphere with a mix of modern and traditional architecture. While Ásotthalom may not be home to any famous cycling spots or well-known climbs, it provides good infrastructure for cycling, including well-maintained roads and designated cycling paths. The surrounding countryside also offers scenic routes with beautiful landscapes.
Zákányszék is home to an impressive medieval castle that provides a glimpse into Hungary's rich history and architecture.
Bordány offers beautiful hiking trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints overlooking the countryside.
Domaszék, a small Hungarian village, is renowned for its excellent wineries and vineyards.
Mórahalom, famous for its thermal baths, is an ideal spot to relax and indulge after a challenging cycling session.
Finish: Ásotthalom Village center
Ásotthalom: Laid-back cycling in Ásotthalom

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