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Mórahalom Route

A road cycling route starting from Morahalom

Experience the cultural highlights and natural beauty near Mórahalom


This round-trip cycling route near Mórahalom offers a combination of cultural highlights and picturesque landscapes. With a moderate difficulty level, it is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists looking to enjoy a scenic ride. The route covers a distance of 86 kilometers and includes a total ascent of 60 meters. Throughout the journey, you will encounter unique highlights that add to the overall experience.

86 km
60 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Mórahalom City center
Mórahalom: Cycling through natural wonders and indulging in relaxation in Mórahalom, Hungary.
Mórahalom is a locality in Dél-Alföld, Hungary. From a cyclist's perspective, Mórahalom offers a range of cycling opportunities suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by flat terrain and beautiful landscapes, providing enjoyable routes for cyclists to explore. Mórahalom is also home to the Mórahalom Thermal Spa, a popular attraction where cyclists can relax and rejuvenate after a ride. Additionally, the nearby Mórágy Trench and Lake Balaton offer scenic routes for more adventurous cyclists. With its cyclist-friendly infrastructure and abundance of natural beauty, Mórahalom is a great locality for both leisurely rides and cycling explorations.
Hajdukovo is a small village located along the route, known for its historical significance. Explore the local architecture and enjoy the charming atmosphere.
Kelebija is a border town where you can witness the intersecting cultures of Hungary and Serbia. Visit the local markets and try some traditional cuisine.
Rózsa Sándor fájaAttraction
Rózsa Sándor fája is a famous tree symbolizing strength and resilience. Take a moment to admire its majestic presence.
Finish: Mórahalom City center
Mórahalom: Cycling through natural wonders and indulging in relaxation in Mórahalom, Hungary.