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Dél-Alföld Excursion

A road cycling route starting from Ruzsa

Embark on an exciting journey through Dél-Alföld


The Dél-Alföld Excursion is a road cycling route that takes you through the diverse landscapes of Dél-Alföld, Hungary. Covering a distance of 132 km and featuring an elevation gain of 105 meters, this route is recommended for experienced cyclists. Along the way, you'll encounter several highlights, including the charming town of Kiskundorozsma, which is known for its rich cultural heritage. The Szegedi vasúti híd újszegedi hídfő is a historical railway bridge that offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Novi Knezevac is a picturesque town that showcases the unique blend of Hungarian and Serbian cultures. Male Pijace, Ásotthalom, and Szerelem-domb also offer picturesque landscapes and impressive viewpoints. The journey concludes in Ruzsa, where you can relax and reflect on the awe-inspiring landscapes you have experienced.

132 km
105 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ruzsa Village center
Ruzsa: Charming cycling in Ruzsa
Ruzsa is a small town located in the Dél-Alföld region of Hungary. From a cyclist's point of view, it offers mostly flat terrain with some gentle rolling hills. The town itself has a charm with traditional Hungarian architecture and an inviting atmosphere. While Ruzsa may not have any famous cycling spots or well-known climbs, the surrounding countryside is ideal for exploring on bikes. The area provides peaceful routes, beautiful landscapes, and a chance to immerse in the Hungarian rural lifestyle.
Kiskundorozsma is a cultural hub, known for its historical buildings and vibrant community.
Szegedi vasúti híd újszegedi hídfőCastle Ruins
The Szegedi vasúti híd újszegedi hídfő is a must-see for its architectural beauty and stunning views.
Don't miss the opportunity to explore the hidden gem of Гала, characterized by its unique charm and cultural heritage.
Novi KnezevacTown
Novi Knezevac offers a glimpse into the fascinating Serbian-Hungarian cultural fusion.
Male PijaceVillage
Male Pijace is a true nature lover's paradise, with its pristine landscapes and untouched beauty.
Ásotthalom, with its captivating nature and authentic rural atmosphere, is a cyclist's paradise.
Szerelem-domb128 mPeak
Climb Szerelem-domb for a breathtaking view of the vast Dél-Alföld landscape.
Ruzsa, your starting and ending point, is surrounded by stunning countryside scenery and offers a warm welcome to cyclists.
Finish: Ruzsa Village center
Ruzsa: Charming cycling in Ruzsa

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