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Around Közép-Dunántúl

A road cycling route starting from Osi

Adventurous ride through the scenic landscapes of Ősi


Get ready for a thrilling cycling adventure exploring the beautiful Közép-Dunántúl region of Hungary. This round-trip route starting near Ősi takes you through picturesque villages and stunning natural landscapes. With a total distance of 108 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1173 meters, this road cycling route offers a challenging but rewarding experience for well-trained amateurs.

108 km
1173 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ősi Village center
Ősi: Challenging climbs and stunning landscapes in Ősi.
Ősi is nestled in the Közép-Dunántúl region of Hungary, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and rolling hills. For road cyclists, the routes around Ősi offer scenic views and challenging climbs that will test your endurance. The nearby hills provide opportunities for gravel cycling enthusiasts looking for off-road adventures. Ősi itself is a charming little village with traditional architecture and friendly locals. One of the highlights for cyclists is the famous Bakonycsernye climb, known for its steep sections and picturesque scenery. Overall, Ősi is a hidden gem for cyclists looking for a mix of challenging climbs and peaceful countryside rides.
Discover the charming village of Királyszentistván, known for its historical architecture and peaceful atmosphere.
Nyerges-hegy260 mPeak
Enjoy the breathtaking views from Nyerges-hegy, a popular lookout point with panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside.
Csatár-hegy375 mPeak
Experience the beauty of Csatár-hegy, an enchanting hill offering stunning natural scenery and peaceful trails.
Visit Márkó, a charming village known for its traditional architecture and friendly locals.
Cycle through Hárskút, a picturesque town famous for its vibrant cultural events and historic landmarks.
Kőris-hegy579 mPeak
Immerse yourself in the tranquil atmosphere of Kőris-hegy, a peaceful hill offering pristine natural surroundings and hiking trails.
Discover Olaszfalu, a hidden gem nestled amidst beautiful forests and rolling hills, perfect for a peaceful retreat.
Nagy-Csiga-hegy444 mPeak
Explore Nagy-Csiga-hegy, a scenic hill known for its diverse flora and fauna, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
Visit Tés, a charming village with historical landmarks and a vibrant cultural scene, perfect for a refreshing stopover during your ride.
Vágó-hegy435 mPeak
Admire the beauty of Vágó-hegy, a prominent hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and a sense of tranquility.
Thury várCastle
Marvel at the impressive Thury vár, a medieval castle that showcases Hungary's rich history and architectural heritage.
Finish: Ősi Village center
Ősi: Challenging climbs and stunning landscapes in Ősi.

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