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Lepsény Loop

A road cycling route starting from Osi

Discover the charming countryside on this 57 km road cycling route near Ősi


Explore the idyllic countryside near Ősi on this 57 km road cycling route. The Lepsény Loop showcases the beauty of the Közép-Dunántúl region, with its rolling hills, lush green meadows, and charming villages. With a total ascent of 260 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge suitable for cyclists of various skill levels. Along the way, you will pass through highlights such as the quaint village of Jenő, the historic town of Lepsény, and the picturesque Csittény-hegy. Enjoy the serenity of Balatonakarattya and marvel at the natural beauty of Papkeszi. With its diverse highlights and peaceful countryside, the Lepsény Loop is a delightful cycling adventure that showcases the hidden gems of Hungary.

57 km
260 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ősi Village center
Ősi: Challenging climbs and stunning landscapes in Ősi.
Ősi is nestled in the Közép-Dunántúl region of Hungary, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and rolling hills. For road cyclists, the routes around Ősi offer scenic views and challenging climbs that will test your endurance. The nearby hills provide opportunities for gravel cycling enthusiasts looking for off-road adventures. Ősi itself is a charming little village with traditional architecture and friendly locals. One of the highlights for cyclists is the famous Bakonycsernye climb, known for its steep sections and picturesque scenery. Overall, Ősi is a hidden gem for cyclists looking for a mix of challenging climbs and peaceful countryside rides.
Jenő is a small village known for its charming traditional houses and welcoming locals. Take a moment to explore its beautiful streets and immerse yourself in local culture.
Lepsény is a historic town with well-preserved architecture, including a beautiful church and traditional Hungarian houses. Discover the rich history and charm of this hidden gem.
Csittény-hegy164 mPeak
Csittény-hegy is a scenic hill with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Take a detour and enjoy the panoramic vistas before continuing your cycling journey.
Balatonakarattya is a popular destination located on the shores of Lake Balaton. Take a break and enjoy a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters of Hungary's largest lake.
Papkeszi is a charming village surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Admire the beauty of nature and breathe in the fresh countryside air.
Berhida is a peaceful village known for its historic buildings and tranquil atmosphere. Take a moment to relax and soak in the rustic beauty of this rural community.
Finish: Ősi Village center
Ősi: Challenging climbs and stunning landscapes in Ősi.

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