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Road Cycling Adventure: Discover the Roman Countryside

A road cycling route starting from Guidonia Montecelio

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure through rolling hills and picturesque towns of Lazio


Embark on an exciting road cycling adventure that takes you through the beautiful Roman countryside. With a distance of 94 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1,195 meters, this route is suited for well-trained amateurs seeking a challenging but rewarding ride. Discover the timeless charm of Villanova, Colonna, and Frascati as you wind through their historic streets and take in the stunning views of the surrounding hills. Visit the Basilica Constantiniana, an iconic landmark, and marvel at its architectural grandeur. Ascend to Poggio Cesi, a legendary climb that promises panoramic vistas of the Roman landscape. This route offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural highlights, and rewarding climbs, making it a must-do cycling experience in Lazio.

94 km
1195 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Montecelio Village center
Guidonia Montecelio: Ultimate cycling challenge in Lazio
Guidonia Montecelio, located in the Lazio region of Italy, offers excellent cycling opportunities for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, making it a perfect destination for cycling enthusiasts. Nearby, you can find the famous Monte Lupone climb, which challenges even the most experienced cyclists with its steep gradients. Guidonia Montecelio also offers plenty of cycling-friendly routes, allowing you to explore the scenic countryside and enjoy breathtaking views. With its welcoming atmosphere and challenging terrains, Guidonia Montecelio is a great choice for cyclists looking for a thrilling adventure.
Villanova, with its breathtaking views and charming atmosphere, provides a perfect spot to pause and take in the beauty of the Roman countryside.
Colonna, a town known for its medieval fortress, invites cyclists to explore its historic center and soak in the rich heritage encapsulated within its ancient walls.
Frascati's vibrant streets are lined with vineyards and historic villas, offering cyclists a chance to sample the world-famous Frascati wine while enjoying the picturesque surroundings.
Villa TorloniaViewpoint
Villa Torlonia, a splendid historic palace, is a hidden gem along the route. Take a moment to appreciate its architectural beauty and stroll through its enchanting gardens.
Ciampino, known for its scenic lake, offers cyclists an opportunity to rest and enjoy the serene ambiance before continuing their journey.
Basilica ConstaninanaCastle Ruins
The imposing Basilica Constantiniana stands as a testament to ancient Roman architecture and is a must-see attraction for history enthusiasts.
Mentana, a charming town with a rich history, invites cyclists to explore its ancient streets, visit the local museums, and learn about its significance in the region.
168168 mPeak
168 marks a pivotal point in the route, serving as a challenging uphill section that demands endurance and rewards cyclists with a sense of accomplishment.
Poggio Cesi416 mPeak
Poggio Cesi, a legendary climb in the region, offers cyclists breathtaking views of the rolling hills and valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see.
Finish: Montecelio Village center
Guidonia Montecelio: Ultimate cycling challenge in Lazio

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