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A road cycling route starting from Guidonia Montecelio

A demanding road cycling circuit with panoramic vistas


Veloscape is a 147-kilometer road cycling route that will put your endurance and climbing skills to the test. With a total ascent of 3301 meters, this challenging circuit takes you through stunning landscapes, ancient towns, and formidable climbs. If you're up for an epic adventure, Veloscape should be on your cycling bucket list.

147 km
3301 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Montecelio Village center
Guidonia Montecelio: Ultimate cycling challenge in Lazio
Guidonia Montecelio, located in the Lazio region of Italy, offers excellent cycling opportunities for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, making it a perfect destination for cycling enthusiasts. Nearby, you can find the famous Monte Lupone climb, which challenges even the most experienced cyclists with its steep gradients. Guidonia Montecelio also offers plenty of cycling-friendly routes, allowing you to explore the scenic countryside and enjoy breathtaking views. With its welcoming atmosphere and challenging terrains, Guidonia Montecelio is a great choice for cyclists looking for a thrilling adventure.
Colle Secco290 mPeak
Colle Secco: Explore the ruins of an ancient Roman settlement and enjoy panoramic views.
Marcellina: Admire the medieval architecture and soak in the historic atmosphere.
Colle Ottani318 mPeak
Colle Ottani: Marvel at the stunning scenery as you navigate the challenging twists and turns of this hill.
Vicovaro: Discover the remnants of a Roman theater and explore the charming town center.
Roviano: Experience the ancient charm of this medieval village and climb its winding streets.
Castellone456 mPeak
Castellone: Conquer the formidable ascent to reach one of the highest points in the area.
Monte Castellone947 mPeak
Monte Castellone: Enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the top of this mountain.
Jenne: Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this ancient town.
Affile: Explore the narrow streets and medieval architecture of this picturesque hilltop town.
Colle La Signoretta289 mPeak
Colle La Signoretta: Brace yourself for a challenging climb and embrace the stunning vistas.
Genazzano: Visit the impressive Palazzo Rospigliosi and wander through the medieval streets.
Palestrina: Discover the ancient ruins of the Temple of Fortuna Primigenia and experience the rich history.
Villanova: Encounter the rustic charm of this idyllic village surrounded by rolling hills.
Montecelio: Indulge in the medieval enchantment of this scenic town and capture breathtaking views.
Finish: Montecelio Village center
Guidonia Montecelio: Ultimate cycling challenge in Lazio

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