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Montecelio Loop: A Scenic Road Cycling Route near Lazio

A road cycling route starting from Montecelio

Enjoy breathtaking views and charming towns in this 92-km road cycling adventure.


Embark on a picturesque 92-km road cycling route near Montecelio and experience the beauty of Lazio. This journey features several highlights, including Marcellina, Colle Pietro, and Tivoli. With a difficulty level of 4, the route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. Expect an epic experience, as the trek offers incredible landscapes and cultural attractions. Preparation is key before commencing the challenging ascent of 2,147 meters. Explore quaint villages, historical landmarks, and admire the natural beauty of the region. The Montecelio Loop is a must-try adventure for cycling enthusiasts seeking a thrilling and enriching journey.

92 km
2147 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Montecelio Village center
Montecelio: Exploring rich history while riding through enchanting landscapes in Montecelio
Montecelio, located in Lazio, Italy, offers a cycling experience filled with history and charm. The area is characterized by its rolling hills, picturesque vineyards, and quaint medieval villages. Cyclists can explore winding roads, passing through olive groves and enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Notably, Montecelio provides close proximity to the famous climb of Rocca di Cave - a challenging ascent that rewards cyclists with breathtaking views. With its combination of scenic routes and cultural heritage, Montecelio is a must-visit destination for cyclists looking for a unique and enriching experience.
Marcellina - Explore this picturesque village with its charming architecture and scenic views.
Colle Pietro501 mPeak
Colle Pietro - Discover the history and culture of this ancient town as you cycle through its narrow streets.
Castel MadamaVillage
Castel Madama - Admire the medieval castle and idyllic setting of this enchanting town.
Costa di Collemare338 mPeak
Costa di Collemare - Take a break and enjoy the panoramic views from this vantage point.
Capranica PrenestinaVillage
Capranica Prenestina - Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of this historic village.
Colle della Crocetta974 mPeak
Colle della Crocetta - Challenge yourself with the ascent to this mountain pass and revel in the stunning vistas.
Monte Guadagnolo1218 mPeak
Monte Guadagnolo - Reach the summit of this peak, surrounded by a captivating natural landscape.
San Gregorio da SassolaVillage
San Gregorio da Sassola - Enjoy the serenity of this charming hilltop town as you cycle through its quaint streets.
Monte Arcese425 mPeak
Monte Arcese - Take in the scenic beauty and solitude of this remote mountain wilderness.
Tivoli - Explore the impressive Villa d'Este and enjoy the splendor of its stunning gardens.
Montecelio - Begin and end your cycling adventure in this charming town, known for its historical significance.
Finish: Montecelio Village center
Montecelio: Exploring rich history while riding through enchanting landscapes in Montecelio

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