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Sabina's Epic Road Challenge

A road cycling route starting from Palombara Sabina

Conquer Sabina's toughest road cycling challenge


Embark on an epic road expedition through the stunning landscapes of Sabina. This demanding route will put your cycling skills to the test as you conquer steep ascents and challenging descents. Immerse yourself in the rich history and natural beauty of Sabina as you pedal through ancient villages, medieval castles, and breathtaking panoramas. Prepare for an unforgettable journey filled with adrenaline-pumping climbs, awe-inspiring vistas, and the thrill of completing Sabina's toughest road cycling challenge.

173 km
3521 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Palombara Sabina City center
Palombara Sabina: Charming town with challenging climbs and scenic routes.
Palombara Sabina is a charming town located in the Lazio region of Italy. For cyclists, Palombara Sabina offers scenic routes through the hilly countryside. The town itself has a relaxed atmosphere and is well-suited for both road cycling and gravel cycling. One well-known climb nearby is the ascent to Rocca Varano, which provides a challenging ride for cyclists. The roads in Palombara Sabina are generally in good condition, making it a great destination for cycling. Cyclists can also explore the beautiful views of Tiber Valley and Castel San Pietro. Overall, Palombara Sabina is a cycling-friendly locality with both challenging climbs and picturesque routes.
Colle Secco290 mPeak
Ascend Colle Secco, a challenging climb that offers sweeping views of the Sabina region.
Pass through the charming village of Marcellina, known for its picturesque cobbled streets and traditional architecture.
Colle Ottani318 mPeak
Climb the steep slopes of Colle Ottani and marvel at the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
Discover the hidden gem of Vicovaro, a medieval village perched on a hill, offering stunning views of the Sabina landscape.
Colle Cese822 mPeak
Challenge yourself on the ascent of Colle Cese, a winding road that leads to a panoramic lookout point.
San Vito RomanoVillage
Pedal through the charming village of San Vito Romano, known for its ancient castle and medieval architecture.
Make a stop in Valmontone and explore its historical center, filled with medieval buildings and charming streets.
La Rocca473 mPeak
Conquer the challenging climb to La Rocca, a rugged mountain with breathtaking views of the surrounding Sabina countryside.
Rocca MassimaVillage
Challenge yourself on the ascent to Rocca Massima and be rewarded with panoramic views of the coastline and nearby hills.
Monte Pratiglio963 mPeak
Venture up Monte Pratiglio and be rewarded with panoramic views of the Sabina region and the surrounding mountains.
Monte Calvello598 mPeak
Climb the challenging slopes of Monte Calvello and experience the thrill of conquering a mountainous terrain.
Pass through Giulianello, a historic village famous for its ancient walls and medieval buildings.
monte Castellaccio631 mPeak
Pedal up the challenging ascent of Monte Castellaccio, enjoying stunning vistas of the Sabina landscape.
Rocca PrioraTown
Reach the summit of Rocca Priora and enjoy panoramic views of Rome and the Alban Hills.
Explore the charming village of Colonna, known for its medieval castle and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Attempt the challenging climb to Villanova and bask in the glory of conquering one of Sabina's legendary road cycling spots.
Finish: Palombara Sabina City center
Palombara Sabina: Charming town with challenging climbs and scenic routes.

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