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Tuscania Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Tuscania

Explore the beautiful countryside around Tuscania on this gravel route


The Tuscania Loop is a scenic and adventurous cycling route that takes you through the picturesque countryside near Tuscania in Lazio, Italy. This route is perfect for gravel bike enthusiasts who enjoy challenging climbs and stunning panoramic views. The route covers a distance of 77 kilometers with a total ascent of 977 meters.

77 km
977 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tuscania Village center
Tuscania: Blend of history and scenic cycling routes.
Tuscania is a historic town in Lazio, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Tuscania offers a mix of cultural heritage and cycling opportunities. The town itself is rich in history and architecture, providing a unique backdrop for cycling exploration. Cyclists can enjoy leisurely rides through the narrow streets, discovering ancient ruins, churches, and palaces. Beyond the town, there are numerous scenic cycling routes through picturesque landscapes and rolling hills. A well-known climb nearby is the Santuario di Fortunato, which offers stunning views from the summit. Tuscania is an appealing destination for cyclists looking to combine their love for cycling and cultural exploration.
Tuscania, the starting point of the route, is a charming medieval town known for its Etruscan and Roman remains.
Monte di Marta430 mPeak
Monte di Marta is a hill just outside Tuscania, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
Poggio Monterado625 mPeak
Poggio Monterado is a small village located on a hill, providing a peaceful atmosphere and beautiful vistas.
Bagnoregio, also known as the 'Dying City', is a unique village perched on a tufa rock hilltop.
Montefiascone is a historic town with stunning medieval architecture and a famous cathedral.
Poggio della Lestra457 mPeak
Poggio della Lestra is a natural viewpoint overlooking the rolling hills and valleys of the region.
Basilica di San PietroAttraction
Basilica di San Pietro, located in the Vatican City in Rome, is one of the most iconic churches in the world.
Finish: Tuscania Village center
Tuscania: Blend of history and scenic cycling routes.

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