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Tuscania - Cellere Gravel Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Tuscania

Embark on a gravel adventure from Tuscania to Cellere, a journey through scenic landscapes and historic towns.


Calling all gravel enthusiasts! This 58-kilometer adventure from Tuscania to Cellere offers a thrilling gravel ride through the stunning landscapes of Lazio. With a total ascent of 737 meters, this route is ideal for intermediate level riders seeking a mix of scenic cycling and cultural exploration. Along the way, make sure to visit the medieval town of Canino and the charming village of Cellere. Take in panoramic views from Monte Starnina and soak up the local history and traditions. This gravel ride provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of the Tuscania countryside.

58 km
737 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tuscania Village center
Tuscania: Blend of history and scenic cycling routes.
Tuscania is a historic town in Lazio, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Tuscania offers a mix of cultural heritage and cycling opportunities. The town itself is rich in history and architecture, providing a unique backdrop for cycling exploration. Cyclists can enjoy leisurely rides through the narrow streets, discovering ancient ruins, churches, and palaces. Beyond the town, there are numerous scenic cycling routes through picturesque landscapes and rolling hills. A well-known climb nearby is the Santuario di Fortunato, which offers stunning views from the summit. Tuscania is an appealing destination for cyclists looking to combine their love for cycling and cultural exploration.
Start your journey in Tuscania, a historic town known for its medieval architecture and charming streets.
Visit Canino, a picturesque medieval town famous for its traditional agricultural practices.
Explore the quaint village of Cellere, renowned for its preserved medieval center and scenic beauty.
Monte Starnina620 mPeak
Enjoy the breathtaking views from Monte Starnina, a hill showcasing the natural beauty of Lazio.
Make a stop at Piansano, offering a combination of beautiful landscapes and charming streets.
Finish: Tuscania Village center
Tuscania: Blend of history and scenic cycling routes.

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