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Scenic Loop of Dolceacqua and Pigna

A road cycling route starting from Camporosso

A scenic ride through picturesque villages and rolling hills


This scenic cycling route takes you through the picturesque villages of Dolceacqua and Pigna. With a distance of 41 km and an ascent of 704 m, it is a relatively easy ride that offers beautiful views of the countryside and the medieval villages. The highlights of this route include the charming village of Dolceacqua with its famous stone bridge and the medieval castle, as well as the hilltop village of Pigna with its narrow streets and traditional houses. Overall, this route provides a pleasant cycling experience with stunning views of the Ligurian countryside.

41 km
704 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Camporosso Village center
Camporosso: Tranquil locality with scenic routes
Camporosso is a small locality located in the Liguria region of Italy. As a cyclist, you will enjoy the tranquility and scenic beauty offered by this area. The locality features a mix of flat and moderately hilly routes, making it suitable for leisurely rides and moderate training. One notable spot nearby is the famous climb of Col de Tende. Overall, Camporosso provides a peaceful escape for cyclists seeking a relaxed and enjoyable riding experience.
Dolceacqua is a picturesque village famous for its medieval castle and stone bridge.
Monte Armetta474 mPeak
Monte Armetta is a small mountain that offers panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains.
Monte Vetta734 mPeak
Monte Vetta is a scenic hilltop with breathtaking views of the Ligurian countryside.
Buggio is a charming village with narrow streets and traditional Ligurian architecture.
Pigna is a picturesque hilltop village known for its ancient thermal baths and traditional craft shops.
Castello di DolceacquaCastle
Castello di Dolceacqua is a medieval castle that offers panoramic views of the village and the surrounding countryside.
Finish: Camporosso Village center
Camporosso: Tranquil locality with scenic routes

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