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Gravel Adventure in Albizzate

A gravel cycling route starting from Albizzate

Explore the gravel paths and beautiful scenery near Albizzate on this thrilling cycling adventure.


Full of exciting gravel paths and breathtaking landscapes, this cycling route near Albizzate offers the perfect adventure for gravel enthusiasts. As you conquer the 57 km distance and 635 m ascent, you'll pass through charming towns and experience the vibrant nature of Lombardia. From the iconic Il Monte to the historic town of Cairate, this route showcases the unique beauty of the region. So buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable off-road cycling experience.

57 km
635 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albusciago Village center
Albizzate: Discovering rural landscapes in Albizzate
Albizzate is a locality situated in Lombardia, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Albizzate offers scenic routes through rural landscapes. The roads are generally well-maintained, making it suitable for road and gravel cyclists. While there are no famous cycling spots or well-known climbs nearby, Albizzate provides a peaceful environment for cycling enthusiasts to enjoy the countryside.
Il Monte410 mPeak
Located along the route, Il Monte stands as a stunning natural monument offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
Castiglione OlonaVillage
Pass through Castiglione Olona and discover its rich history, charming architecture, and welcoming locals.
Oltrona di San MametteVillage
Oltrona di San Mamette, with its quaint streets and picturesque views, provides a perfect spot to take a break and soak in the local culture.
Fenegrò is a small village known for its enchanting atmosphere, lush greenery, and tranquil surroundings, making it an ideal stop on your cycling journey.
As you approach Cairate, you'll be captivated by its historical landmarks, such as the Church of Saint Stephen, which exudes charm and character.
Finish: Albusciago Village center
Albizzate: Discovering rural landscapes in Albizzate

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