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Gravel Exploration of Albizzate Surroundings

A gravel cycling route starting from Albizzate

Embark on an epic gravel adventure through Albizzate and discover the hidden gems of Lombardia.


Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping gravel cycling experience in the surroundings of Albizzate. With a challenging 798 m ascent and a distance of 58 km, this route will push your limits and reward you with mesmerizing views. Along the way, you'll conquer notable spots like Monte Roncaccio and Colle Bustecche, known for their epic landscapes and thrilling cycling paths. Don't miss the charming towns of Morazzone and Rodero, where you can immerse yourself in the local culture and taste authentic Italian cuisine. As you approach Tradate, enjoy the scenic vistas and unwind after conquering this awe-inspiring gravel trail.

58 km
798 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albizzate Village center
Albizzate: Discovering rural landscapes in Albizzate
Albizzate is a locality situated in Lombardia, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Albizzate offers scenic routes through rural landscapes. The roads are generally well-maintained, making it suitable for road and gravel cyclists. While there are no famous cycling spots or well-known climbs nearby, Albizzate provides a peaceful environment for cycling enthusiasts to enjoy the countryside.
Monte Roncaccio362 mPeak
Monte Roncaccio's towering presence and breathtaking panoramic views will leave you in awe.
Morazzone invites you to explore its quaint alleyways and historical structures, allowing you to delve into the local heritage.
Colle Bustecche418 mPeak
Embark on the challenging ascent of Colle Bustecche and witness the stunning landscapes that unfold along the way.
Rodero's idyllic setting, surrounded by rolling hills and forests, provides a serene retreat for nature lovers.
La Pioggera447 mPeak
La Pioggera offers a tranquil escape with its peaceful atmosphere and serene surrounding landscapes, ideal for a moment of relaxation.
Oltrona di San MametteVillage
Visit Oltrona di San Mamette to experience the rustic charm and rich cultural heritage found within its walls.
Tradate, with its mix of historic architecture and modern amenities, offers a vibrant finale to this memorable gravel exploration.
Finish: Albizzate Village center
Albizzate: Discovering rural landscapes in Albizzate

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