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Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Inveruno

Embark on an exciting gravel journey through Lombardia's scenic landscapes


This off-road gravel route offers a thrilling adventure through the diverse terrain surrounding Inveruno. The path weaves through picturesque villages and fields, providing riders with a unique perspective of the region. With gentle ascents and a moderate difficulty level, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders. Highlights include the charming town of Vigevano, known for its impressive Piazza Ducale, and the tranquil village of Casorezzo. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lombardia and enjoy an off-the-beaten-path cycling experience.

63 km
131 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Inveruno Village center
Inveruno: Limited cycling locality in Lombardia, Italy, with access to Ticino River and proximity to Milan.
Inveruno, situated in Lombardia, Italy, provides limited cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists. The locality has limited dedicated cycling routes and mostly consists of urban areas. However, cyclists can still enjoy rides along the Ticino River, which offers scenic views. Inveruno may not be the most exciting cycling destination, but its proximity to Milan provides additional cycling options in the surrounding region. Inveruno is suitable for cyclists seeking a quieter base with access to nearby urban facilities.
Arconate is a small village with an enchanting historic center. Admire the traditional architecture and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Marnate offers a pleasant stop with its charming cafes and quaint streets. Take a leisurely break and savor a local pastry.
Massina is a hidden gem offering scenic views of the surrounding countryside. Relax and take in the beauty of nature before continuing your journey.
Caronno PertusellaTown
Caronno Pertusella is renowned for its striking 17th-century church and beautiful porticoed streets. Take a moment to appreciate the town's architectural splendor.
Casorezzo is a tranquil village nestled amidst picturesque landscapes. Enjoy a peaceful break and soak in the beauty of the surroundings.
Inveruno, the starting and endpoint of this route, offers a chance to experience local Lombardian life. Wander through its charming streets and discover the town's hidden treasures.
Finish: Inveruno Village center
Inveruno: Limited cycling locality in Lombardia, Italy, with access to Ticino River and proximity to Milan.

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