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Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Pombia

Exploring the gravel roads of Piemonte


Experience the thrill of gravel cycling with the Gravel Adventure route near Pombia. This off-road route takes you through rugged terrain and scenic countryside, offering a unique and challenging ride. The route showcases the diverse landscapes of Piemonte, from dense forests to open fields and rolling hills. Along the way, you'll discover hidden gems and picturesque villages, providing opportunities to rest, refuel, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Whether you're a gravel enthusiast or looking to try something new, this route offers an exhilarating adventure with stunning natural beauty.

45 km
311 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Varallo Pombia Village center
Pombia: Adventure amidst vineyards and countryside in Pombia.
Pombia is a lovely locality located in the Piemonte region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Pombia offers enjoyable road and gravel cycling opportunities. The area is surrounded by farmland, vineyards, and rolling hills, providing cyclists with scenic routes to explore. A notable cycling spot nearby is Safari Park, a popular tourist attraction where cyclists can experience wildlife encounters while enjoying their ride. With its scenic beauty and unique attractions, Pombia is an excellent destination for cyclists looking to combine nature and adventure.
Varallo PombiaVillage
Varallo Pombia is a charming village with a rich history and beautiful architecture. Explore the cobblestone streets and visit the local church before starting your gravel adventure.
Monte Belvedere258 mPeak
Monte Belvedere is a scenic viewpoint offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside. Take a break here to catch your breath and enjoy the breathtaking views.
Cardano al CampoTown
Cardano al Campo is a small town known for its charming architecture and historic buildings. Take a moment to explore the town center and admire the local landmarks.
Ferno is a picturesque village with narrow streets and traditional houses. Take a leisurely ride through the town and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
TornaventoVillage Viewpoint
Tornavento is a hidden gem with its medieval buildings and beautiful countryside. Enjoy a quiet moment here before continuing your gravel adventure.
Finish: Varallo Pombia Village center
Pombia: Adventure amidst vineyards and countryside in Pombia.

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