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Pombia Loop

A road cycling route starting from Pombia

Cycling through scenic Piemonte countryside


The Pombia Loop is a picturesque cycling route that takes you through the stunning countryside of Piemonte, Italy. This loop offers a mix of challenging climbs and fast descents, providing a great workout for experienced cyclists. The route passes through charming towns and villages, giving you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and enjoy the beautiful architecture and historical sites. Overall, this route offers a perfect combination of scenic beauty, challenging terrain, and cultural experiences.

90 km
821 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Pombia Village center
Pombia: Adventure amidst vineyards and countryside in Pombia.
Pombia is a lovely locality located in the Piemonte region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Pombia offers enjoyable road and gravel cycling opportunities. The area is surrounded by farmland, vineyards, and rolling hills, providing cyclists with scenic routes to explore. A notable cycling spot nearby is Safari Park, a popular tourist attraction where cyclists can experience wildlife encounters while enjoying their ride. With its scenic beauty and unique attractions, Pombia is an excellent destination for cyclists looking to combine nature and adventure.
Located at the start, Pombia is a small town known for its wildlife park and beautiful views of the surrounding area.
Cavaglio d'AgognaVillage
Cavaglio d'Agogna is a charming village with narrow streets and historic buildings. Take a break here to explore and enjoy a cup of coffee at a local café.
Cima Croce582 mPeak
Cima Croce is a scenic overlook point that offers breathtaking views of the Piemonte countryside. Take a moment to soak in the beauty before continuing your ride.
Borgosesia is a small town with a rich history and beautiful architecture. Explore the old town and visit the local churches for a glimpse into the past.
Colle della Guardia541 mPeak
Colle della Guardia is a challenging climb that rewards you with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Make sure to take plenty of water and rest breaks on your way up.
Gozzano is a charming town located on the shores of Lake Orta. Take some time to relax by the lake and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere before continuing your ride.
Motto Caneva308 mPeak
Motto Caneva is a small village known for its traditional houses and ancient ruins. Explore the narrow streets and admire the historic buildings as you pass through.
Varallo PombiaVillage
Varallo Pombia is a quaint village with a rich history and beautiful architecture. Visit the local landmarks and enjoy the peaceful surroundings before or after your ride.
Finish: Pombia Village center
Pombia: Adventure amidst vineyards and countryside in Pombia.

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