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Gravel Delight

A gravel cycling route starting from Sant'Antonino di Susa

Embark on a delightful gravel ride starting near Sant'Antonino di Susa


Enjoy a scenic gravel ride along this 81 km route with 548 m of ascent. The relatively flat terrain allows for leisurely cycling while admiring the picturesque landscapes and charming villages.

81 km
548 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Sant'Antonino di Susa Village center
Sant'Antonino di Susa: Tranquil cycling getaway in the heart of nature's beauty
Sant'Antonino di Susa, located in Piemonte, Italy, is a hidden gem for road and gravel cyclists. The locality offers a mix of flat and rolling terrains, making it ideal for cyclists of all levels. Sant'Antonino di Susa is surrounded by beautiful nature, including the Susa Valley, providing cyclists with stunning views as they ride. While there are no famous climbs in the immediate area, the locality's cycling-friendly roads and peaceful atmosphere make it an excellent choice for exploring the region on two wheels.
Condove is a charming town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture.
Rocce Rosse471 mPeak
Rocce Rosse is a geological wonder with stunning red rock formations and unique landscapes.
Collegno is a picturesque town with narrow streets and charming traditional buildings.
Truc Bandiera406 mPeak
Truc Bandiera is a beautiful hilltop village known for its stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Bruino is a quaint village with narrow streets and historic buildings.
Monte Pirchiriano936 mPeak
Monte Pirchiriano rewards cyclists with stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Chiusa di San MicheleVillage
Chiusa di San Michele is an ancient fortress perched on a hilltop and provides a fascinating glimpse into the region's history.
Finish: Sant'Antonino di Susa Village center
Sant'Antonino di Susa: Tranquil cycling getaway in the heart of nature's beauty

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