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Hidden Gems Gravel Ride

A gravel cycling route starting from Villa Lagarina

Discover the lesser-known treasures of Villa Lagarina on this epic gravel ride.


Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through Villa Lagarina and uncover hidden gems along the way. This route offers a unique blend of challenging terrain, scenic landscapes, and cultural highlights. Prepare to be amazed by picturesque villages, historic landmarks, and breathtaking viewpoints. Experience the magic of Noarna Castle, explore the enchanting Tenno Lake, and immerse yourself in the rich history of Carpene. Whether you're a gravel enthusiast or a thrill-seeking cyclist, this ride promises an unforgettable experience.

66 km
2254 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Noarna Village center
Villa Lagarina: An Alpine cycling paradise with challenging climbs and breathtaking views.
Villa Lagarina, located in Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy, offers a picturesque cycling experience. The locality is surrounded by breathtaking mountain ranges, making it ideal for road and gravel cyclists seeking challenging climbs. One of the well-known cycling routes near Villa Lagarina is the climb up the famous Monte Bondone. With its steep gradients and stunning views, Monte Bondone attracts experienced cyclists from around the world. Overall, Villa Lagarina provides a great cycling destination for enthusiasts looking to conquer legendary climbs and admire the beautiful landscapes.
Visit Noarna Castle, a beautifully preserved medieval fortress and learn about its fascinating history.
Carpene499 mPeak
Stop by Carpene, a charming village known for its traditional architecture and welcoming atmosphere.
Revel in the tranquility of Tenno Lake, an emerald jewel nestled amidst the mountains.
Dos dele Strie363 mPeak
Marvel at the two striking arches of Dos dele Strie, magnificent natural sculptures formed by time and erosion.
CalcheraCastle Ruins
Discover Calchera, an idyllic hamlet dotted with historic stone houses and surrounded by scenic beauty.
Challenge yourself on the Ronzo-Chienis climb, a demanding ascent renowned for its breathtaking vistas.
Passo Bordala1250 mMountain Pass
Conquer the Passo Bordala, a mountain pass that offers captivating panoramas of the surrounding valleys.
Explore Patone, a small village perched on a hilltop and enjoy stunning views of the picturesque landscape.
Reach the Belvedere viewpoint and be rewarded with a sweeping vista that stretches as far as the eye can see.
Finish: Noarna Village center
Villa Lagarina: An Alpine cycling paradise with challenging climbs and breathtaking views.

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