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Pleasant scenery and stunning natural beauty with a challenging climb nearby.

Cycling routes from Campillo de Altobuey

Campillo de Altobuey is a town located in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers a mix of flat roads and gentle climbs, making it suitable for road and gravel cycling. The area is known for its stunning natural beauty, including vineyards, olive orchards, and mountainous landscapes. One notable cycling-related spot nearby is the climb of Puerto del Altobuey, which offers breathtaking views and a challenging ascent. Overall, Campillo de Altobuey is a cycling-friendly area with pleasant scenery and enjoyable routes to explore.

Embark on a gravel adventure and immerse yourself in the untouched nature of Castilla-La Mancha

107 km
1387 m

This gravel route covers a distance of 107 kilometers and climbs 1387 meters, offering an immersive nature experience. Starting from Campillo de Altobuey, you'll pass through Monteagudo de las Salinas, Arguisuelas, and finally Cardenete. Throughout the route, you'll encounter diverse landscapes, including lush forests and breathtaking valleys. The highlight of the route is Monteagudo de las Salinas and its beautiful Salinillas del Castillo, a set of salt flats surrounded by striking red cliffs. Explore the natural beauty of the area and take in the tranquility of the environment. This gravel adventure is perfect for nature enthusiasts looking to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

A scenic gravel route showcasing the natural beauty of the Altobuey region

53 km
647 m

The Altobuey Gravel Delight is a 53km gravel route that takes you through the captivating landscapes surrounding Campillo de Altobuey. This route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts who want to experience the natural beauty of the Altobuey region. It includes some challenging climbs and descents, making it suitable for more experienced riders. Enguídanos, one of the highlights along the route, is a tranquil village nestled in the mountains, offering beautiful views and a relaxing atmosphere. The Altobuey Gravel Delight is a delightful journey showcasing the stunning landscapes and hidden gems of the region.

Embark on a gravel adventure through remote villages and discover ancient ruins along the way

54 km
318 m

This gravel route is perfect for cyclists seeking a unique and off-the-beaten-path experience. Covering a distance of 54 kilometers and climbing 318 meters, the route showcases the rural beauty of Castilla-La Mancha. As you cycle through the villages of El Peral and Pozoseco, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and admire the traditional architecture. The highlight of the route is Motilla del Palancar, an ancient archaeological site dating back to the Bronze Age. Explore the ruins and discover the history of this fascinating location. Overall, this gravel adventure offers a chance to connect with the lesser-known side of Castilla-La Mancha.

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure through the picturesque countryside of Castilla-La Mancha

94 km
1458 m

This road cycling route, spanning 94 kilometers and ascending by 1458 meters, offers a challenging and rewarding experience for experienced cyclists. Starting from Campillo de Altobuey, you'll tackle some demanding climbs as you pass through Yémeda and Cardenete. The highlight of the route is Enguídanos, a beautiful town surrounding a natural reservoir. Take a break, admire the stunning views, and maybe even take a dip in the crystal-clear waters. With its mix of challenging climbs and scenic landscapes, this route is perfect for cyclists seeking a memorable adventure in Castilla-La Mancha.

A challenging gravel route with unique scenic landscapes

110 km
716 m

The Motilla Gravel Adventure is a 110km gravel route starting near Campillo de Altobuey. It offers a great challenge for gravel enthusiasts and stunning views of the diverse landscapes in the region. The route includes some tough ascents and descents, making it suitable for experienced cyclists with good technical skills. Motilla del Palancar, one of the highlights along the route, is a charming town that offers a combination of history and natural beauty. If you're up for an exciting gravel adventure, this route is definitely worth considering.

A captivating gravel route showcasing the charms of Iniesta

59 km
714 m

The Exploring Iniesta route is a 59km gravel adventure starting near Campillo de Altobuey. It takes you through the captivating countryside, offering views of rolling hills and vineyards. The route includes some challenging sections, making it suitable for experienced gravel cyclists. Iniesta, one of the highlights along the way, is a charming town known for its rich winemaking heritage. Take the opportunity to visit one of the local wineries and taste some of the renowned wines from the region. The Exploring Iniesta route is a perfect choice for gravel enthusiasts who appreciate the charms of rural Spain.

Embark on a gravel adventure through rolling hills and discover historical treasures along the way

107 km
625 m

This challenging gravel route covers a distance of 107 kilometers and climbs 625 meters, offering a diverse and scenic cycling experience. As you traverse the villages of Graja de Iniesta, Ledaña, El Peral, and Motilla del Palancar, you'll be immersed in the rich history and culture of the region. Highlights of the route include the medieval village of Ledaña, with its well-preserved castle and charming streets, and Motilla del Palancar, where you can explore the ancient archaeological site. With its combination of natural beauty and historical treasures, this gravel adventure is a must for cyclists looking to delve deeper into the history of Castilla-La Mancha.

Scenic road cycling route with a rich history

83 km
433 m

The Peral Loop is a 83km road cycling route that starts near Campillo de Altobuey. It features several highlights, including El Peral, a historic town known for its charming architecture and cultural heritage. The route offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and includes some challenging ascent sections. Overall, it is a moderately difficult route suitable for well-trained amateurs. If you enjoy exploring historic towns and picturesque landscapes, the Peral Loop is a great choice.

Explore the beautiful countryside of Castilla-La Mancha on this circular route starting from Campillo de Altobuey

95 km
845 m

This route is a great option for road cyclists who are looking for a challenging ride in the Castilla-La Mancha region. With a total distance of 95 kilometers and an ascent of 845 meters, cyclists will experience a mix of flat, rolling hills, and some challenging climbs. The route takes riders through picturesque towns such as Gabaldón and Barchín del Hoyo, providing opportunities to admire the local architecture and culture. The highlights of the route include the historic town of Valeria, famous for its Roman ruins, and the beautiful countryside around Solera de Gabaldón. Overall, this route offers a rewarding cycling experience in the heart of Spain.

A challenging road cycling route with breathtaking landscapes

104 km
720 m

The Valverdejo Challenge is a 104km road cycling route that starts near Campillo de Altobuey. It offers a combination of challenging climbs and fast descents, making it suitable for experienced road cyclists. The highlight of the route is Valverdejo, a picturesque hamlet surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. Take a moment to soak in the breathtaking landscapes and recharge before continuing the journey. Overall, the Valverdejo Challenge is a demanding route that showcases the natural beauty of the region.

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