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Rural Charm Cycling Tour from Norberg to Fagersta

A road cycling route starting from Fagersta

Immerse yourself in the rural charm as you cycle from Norberg to Fagersta


Embark on a delightful road cycling tour from Norberg to Fagersta, passing through picturesque villages and enjoying the tranquil countryside scenery.

85 km
508 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Fagersta City center
Fagersta: Cycling paradise in picturesque Fagersta, Sweden.
Fagersta is located in Östra Mellansverige, Sweden. It offers a picturesque cycling experience with its beautiful landscapes and scenic roads. The locality is known for its peaceful and serene atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for road and gravel cyclists looking for a calm and relaxing ride. One of the notable cycling spots nearby is the Vallbybacken climb, which offers a challenging ascent and rewards cyclists with breathtaking views at the top. Fagersta is a cycling-friendly area with well-maintained roads and minimal traffic, providing a safe and enjoyable riding experience. Overall, Fagersta deserves a ranking of 4 for its cycling-friendliness and picturesque surroundings.
Explore the historic town of Norberg and learn about its mining heritage.
Enjoy scenic beauty as you ride through the charming landscapes of Karbenning.
Visit Ängelsberg, a remarkable UNESCO World Heritage Site with its preserved mining installations.
Experience the rich history and cultural attractions of Fagersta, including its beautiful town center.
Finish: Fagersta City center
Fagersta: Cycling paradise in picturesque Fagersta, Sweden.

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