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Gravel Adventure near Barlassina

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Barlassina

Discover the hidden gems of Lombardia on this 44km gravel route


Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Barlassina, with a total ascent of 137m. Explore the charming town of Cormano, ride through the picturesque landscapes of Roserio, and admire the beauty of Ceriano Laghetto. This route offers a perfect blend of nature and culture, making it an unforgettable cycling experience.

44 km
137 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Barlassina Village center
Barlassina: Kolesarjenje po razgibani pokrajini
Barlassina je majhno mesto v Lombardiji, primerno za kolesarjenje po lokalnih cestah. Pokrajina je razgibana in privlačna za kolesarje, ki iščejo raznolike terene. V bližini ni znanih kolesarskih točk ali vzponov.
Immerse yourself in the tranquil surroundings of Cormano, with its lush greenery and peaceful atmosphere.
Ride through the enchanting village of Roserio, known for its traditional architecture and scenic views.
Ceriano LaghettoVas
Visit the stunning Ceriano Laghetto, a hidden gem with its serene lakes and charming streets.
Konec: Barlassina Village center
Barlassina: Kolesarjenje po razgibani pokrajini